Teresa of the Faint Smile Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Teresa of the Faint Smile

She was the paragon for all paladins of the Brotherhood of Dawn to strive towards, the mightiest warrior ever produced by the Brotherhood of Dawn.   Everyone thought she would be the one to fulfill the prophecy - until Valera was chosen in her stead. Far from being insulted or put out though, she instead took the girl under her wing to teach her all she could that the chosen one would be ready for what was to come... with limited success. She certainly succeeded in having Valera see her as a surrogate mother or maybe a very demanding older sister and she did teach the girl quite a bit of her craft... but Valera never seemed to show the promise that Teresa herself did in her younger years.   Sadly, Teresa has vanished a short time ago while on a mission for the Brotherhood.

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