Stormcrest Mountains Geographic Location in Exandria | World Anvil

Stormcrest Mountains

Spanning Tal’Dorei’s southern reaches, buttressed against the Verdant Expanse, stand the massive Stormcrest Mountains. The winds of the Lucidian Ocean wail through the storm-battered peaks, and few dare make these treacherous mountains their home. The few who do live amidst the Stormcrests are ferocious monstrosities and the giantkin strong enough to defeat them—and those few peoples cunning enough to evade storm, monster, and giant alike. The only friendly towns anywhere near these forsaken peaks lie in the Mornset Countryside pushing along the Stormpoint range, far beyond the influence of the Tal’Dorei Council. These rugged folk are used to fending for themselves and scoff at the thought of returning to so-called “civilization,” prefer- ring life among the swamps and shadowed forests of their homeland.


  • Ashen Gorge
  • Dreamseep Marshlands
  • Bronbog
  • The Frostweald
  • Ruins of the Frostweald
  • Cavern of Axiom
  • Ruhn-Shak
  • Wrettis


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