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Crawling King

Torog, the Crawling King is an evil god of torturers, slavers, and jailers. His worshippers are those who take others' freedom and creatures living in the darkness below. It is said that pathways under the world are the result of his tears of pain and anger, and his realm is a network of deadly caves and manacles. He was defeated during the Calamity by the the Dawnfather and the Everlight.  


Torog is largely depicted as a swollen, malformed worm slithering through the darkness below with a hairless human head at the helm, three arms carving through a lightless rock.  


As the patron god of slavers and jailers, the Crawling King offers guidance to those who rob others of freedom.   The Crawling King is a jealous god, and he will seek to destroy any rivals that try to challenge the Crawling King's rule over the domains of torture and imprisonment.   Since being sealed away by the Prime Deities, the Crawling King has never truly healed from the wounds he suffered. Every attempt to leave his prison is a torturous attempt on his permanently broken body. As the god of torturers, he takes inspiration from each failed attempt as new ways to inflict pain on mortals.

Divine Domains

Blood, Death, Trickery.


Grovelthrash is a warhammer and one of the Arms of the Betrayers created by Torog from the soul of an ultroloth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Seek and exalt places where no light touches.   Revel in the pain you inflict upon others, and relish the pain you suffer yourself as an offering to the Crawling King.   Imprison those who cannot resist you, and drag all life into the darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Torog is both the god and creator of the tunnels and caverns of the Underdark beneath Exandria.   During the Age of Arcanum, the archmage Vespin Chloras released the Betrayer Gods from their planar prisons. Torog tortured the Betrayer Gods' enemies at the Bastille of Torment under the Dunrock Mountains and his followers used the caves beneath Ghor Dranas as torture dungeons. A warrior named Ganix attempted to strike down Torog with his army, but his army was defeated, and Torog captured and tortured Ganix, twisting him into the Laughing Hand.   During the Calamity, Torog and his followers tunneled beneath a woodland in the Cyrios Mountains that was home to reclusive elves who worshiped Sehanine, sinking the plateau into a valley. Torog's servants sapped the life and color from the trees at their roots, creating the Pallid Grove. The elves there retreated beneath the Pallid Grove and became pallid elves.   At some point, Moradin and Sehanine secretly built the King's Cage near Bazzoxan as a trap for Torog. It appeared to be a temple to Torog to lure him into using it, but it was a fane that would allow them to banish him.   Pelor and Sarenrae defeated Torog by luring him aboveground; Pelor pierced his body with 10,000 lances of sunlight. Torog's violent tears carved the pathways under the world, and his followers fled into those tunnels to escape the light. Sarenrae then imprisoned Torog far from Exandria; he remains banished in a sliver of the Far Realm that now borders on the deepest pits (or very base) of the Underdark, "where the boundaries between the worlds grow thin."
Divine Classification
Betrayer God


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