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Cloaked Serpent

Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent is an evil god of poisons, assassins, and darkness. He is the creator of snakes and also of yuan-ti. Most of his followers were annihilated during the Calamity, and those who survived are in self-induced stasis or hunted by the followers of the Spider Queen and the Crawling King.  


Many depictions of him can be found in his long forgotten and abandoned temples. He takes the form of man's body with a half-dozen arms and a gargantuan fanged serpent head, with strands of thick, dark hair sprouting from his scaled body that swirl around to form layers of shadow, obscuring his entire form.

Divine Domains

Blood, Nature, Trickery.


The Lash of Shadows is a whip and one of the Arms of the Betrayers created by Zehir from the soul of a marilith.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Keep your acts obfuscated and secret. The night is your greatest ally.   Strike quickly and without reason. Blind the target with their own confusion.   Kill slowly. Agonizingly. Or worse, make them enjoy it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zehir is one of the Betrayer Gods who, during the Founding, wished to join the Primordials in dashing the mortal races from Exandria and starting fresh elsewhere. The Betrayer Gods were all banished to prison-like planes, though it's unclear to which plane Zehir was banished at that time.   Just before the Calamity, followers of Zehir slaughtered the people in the Vault of Shumas and locked it off. Similarly, seers of a serpentfolk empire foresaw the Calamity; to survive its dangers, the empire created a magical stasis field under their capital city of Vos'sykriss (now Visa Isle) where its strongest people waited to one day emerge and rebuild their empire; the ancient serpentkin worship Zehir above all others.   During the Calamity, Zehir ambushed and killed many of Melora's followers near one of her shrines in the Lushgut Forest. Melora's anguished scream altered the forest, making it tortuous and thorny.
Divine Classification
Betrayer God


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