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Betrayer Gods

The Betrayer Gods are the deities who strayed from the ideals of the Founding and embraced the destructive chaos of the Primordials or grew selfish of their own creations. The Betrayer Gods rarely work together, since they see each other as threats to their own plots and goals. This very weakness allowed the Prime Deities to defeat and banish them, ending the Calamity.

Deity Alias Alignment Province Domain
Asmodeus The Lord of the Nine Hells Lawful Evil God of the Nine Hells Trickery, War
Bane The Strife Emperor Lawful Evil Conquest, tyranny Forge, Order, War
Gruumsh The Ruiner Chaotic Evil Slaughter, warfare Death, Tempest, War
Lolth The Spider Queen Chaotic Evil Deceit, spiders Knowledge, Trickery
Tharizdun The Chained Oblivion Chaotic Evil Darkness, destruction Death, Grave, Trickery
Tiamat The Scaled Tyrant Lawful Evil Greed, strength Order, Trickery, War
Torog The Crawling King Neutral Evil Enslavement, torture Death, Trickery
Vecna The Whispered One Neutral Evil Necromancy, secrets Arcana, Death, Grave, Knowledge
Zehir The Cloaked Serpent Chaotic Evil Assassins, poison, serpents Nature, Trickery
Religious, Pantheon