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The Wild Mother

The realm of Melora extends to wherever the seas shift and the land grows wild. As the keeper of the wilderness, Melora represents the wild creatures of nature, the rush of the angry rapids, and the heat-heavy stillness of the desert. Elves worship her, as do hunters, accepting her guidance to exist harmoniously within savage lands. Those seeking safe passage across dangerous waters pray to her to guide them.   Followers of the Raven Queen also show respect to the Wild Mother as the caretaker of what remains when the Matron of Death's work is done. Those of Ki'Nau descent often make offerings to Melora, considering her a collective entity that represents their ancient nature gods within a singular feminine form. Druids of Melora the Wild Mother and clerics of her lover, Erathis the Law Bearer, work together to preserve the balance of nature and civilization. However, worship of Melora was outlawed in the Dwendalian Empire, causing disagreement between clerics of Erathis within Western Wynandir, where many blame poor weather and natural disasters on the ire of their deity's partner.   Eschewing a permanent realm, Melora prefers to wander the planes to oversee natural life. She is often found among the unearthly beauty of Arvandor's infinite expanse of deep woods, hunting unnatural things that corrupt the wilds.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Tempest   Provinces:
Seas, wilderness

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the untamed wilderness from exploitation and destruction.
  • Slay abominations and other mockeries of nature.
  • Embrace and respect the savage nature of the world. Exist in harmony with it.


Melora's holy day is Wild's Grandeur, which is celebrated on the vernal equinox, usually the twentieth day of the third month. The people of the Menagerie Coast set aside this day to sail for no reason other than the pleasure of observing the natural beauty of their surroundings. Those who still partake in elements of Ki'Nau culture take this day to appreciate the fruits and foods granted by the sea, leaving offerings of delicacies and small handmade crafts at temporary altars of twisted roots and grasses.
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