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The Undermaw

The mystery of whether Quajath is a creation or the direct progeny of Torog is unknown, but the deranged, gargantuan worm creature that scouted the Crawling King's advances in the Calamity was thought to have been slain in the ferocious final battles. Leaving a sizable portion of its wounded body behind, a slimy fragment of Quajath burrowed deep beneath the surface and slumbered in the cold earth beneath Eiselcross to recover and regrow. When the Undermaw attempted to rise once more, the elemental ice of Eiselcross proved too strong, and Quajath remains entombed within the frozen north to this day.   Some of the wildfolk of Eiselcross have discovered an exposed segment of the Tomb of the Worm, and after generations of feeding on its eternally regrowing flesh, the will of the Undermaw has suffused their minds. Some of these wormkin now wander the world as vessels of Quajath's primal drive and alien mind, helping him psychically reach those whose shattered minds can find purpose in following Quajath, taking its gifts of raw magic and fractured secrets. They seek to one day return and free it from its icy prison.

Divine Domains

Nature, War   Provinces:
The Fiend, The Great Old One
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization