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Scar of the Cinder King

The realm around Emon will never fully recover from Thordak’s elemental corruption. His presence not only incinerated his enemies, it wounded the land itself. Even the Pyrah Ashari, called from across the sea by the Council of Tal'Dorei, could not completely mend the devastation. The wounds under and east of Emon are not the extent of Thordak’s destruction—his indelible power lingers in several isolated corners of Tal'Dorei, such as the Ashen Gorge and the ruins of Serpent's Head - but their proximity to such a large social capital makes them the most devastating. The invisible power that radiates from the wounds Thordak left here may corrupt areas of the land for generations to come, if no one figures out how to cleanse them.   While the crater within the Cloudtop has received intense attention due to the affluent nature of the vicinity, the land devoured by the Scar was mostly outer farmland and forest occupied by serfs and labourers. Some displaced survivors whisper that the members of the Council are more concerned with rebuilding their mansions than healing the Scar. Whether or not these concerns are valid, the fact remains that thousands of Emonian families still have not found a home, and many have turned to thievery, banditry, and burglary to make ends meet.   Flamereach Outpost
Flamereach Outpost is a stout, makeshift fortress of unassuming gray stone that stands at the edge of the Scar. Its denizens keep watch over the Shivergreen Grove, a small forest at the edge of the Scar that never stopped burning. The trees of Flamereach Grove, as it is now called, are little but blackened skeletons, but they burn eternally. The fortress was built as a base for the druids and elemental specialists who traveled to Emon to heal the Scar. Led by a half-orc fire ashari named Lorkathar, a group of firetamers from Pyrah keep constant vigil over the supernatural devastation, and those who watch the undying flames at night swear they can see creatures moving within.   The Snowember Fields
The Snowember Fields are the widest, most barren portion of the Scar. This patch of ruined farmland is lifeless and coated by a thick layer of white ash, interrupted occasionally by the immolated remains of a windmill. The destruction looks peaceful from afar, like freshly fallen snow, but no one who wishes to live travels here, for to disturb the ash is to invite death. Living embers lurk beneath the snow-white ash—for every 5 feet a creature travels, a pyromaniacal magmin flares from below. And the deeper one travels to the heart of the Snowember, the greater the danger grows.   Grey Skull Keep
Built outside the city walls, beyond the southern most region of the southern slums is the homestead of Emon’s own heroes, Vox Machina. Designed by Theadorn Krazz and constructed as a gift for saving the lives of the late Sovereign’s family, this respectable stone fortress stands as home and the base of operations for the members of Vox Machina who have business within Emon itself. As the various adventurers are usually scattered to their own responsibilities across the lands, the entire band of warriors is rarely assembled within the Keep outside of holidays, political meets, or times of danger.