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Session 27: Southbound to Berleben Report

General Summary

Dawn breaks on the gathered party and the villagers on the distant outskirts of Berleben in Lebenda Swamp. The villagers busy themselves with setting up a stockade as the group work their way into the town proper to procure supplies and follow leads on their mystery assailant.   Passing through the area known as the Puddles and into a fairly central marketplace, Theia begins flashing cash, garnering interest and handling negotiations for food supplies, trail rations and basics. Needing to raise cash to pay for all of the supplies, she hands off the rings taken from the hags to Jakuki, who heads off with Ceonwulf to find someone to fence them to.   Meanwhile, Roderick busies himself with trying to find transportation and finds himself having drifted to the local garrison. It's in a sorry state and barely worth defending, but asking of the subject with a posted soldier leads to a negotiation for two old horses and a run-down cart. After conversing with Gwen and taking some vague advice from Theia on determining the quality of the animals, a price is agreed for 100gp for the lot. All are tired and the cart in disrepair, but seem to be sound enough. He sets to work getting the cart roadworthy, and asks whether any larger wagons may be found in the town. He's pointed towards the southern edge of town, to a waystation known as Ginger's on the main thoroughfare. If anyone can supply proper vehicles for a trading caravan, it will be found there, half a mile out from the main town.   Horses: Bay - Ganette (Bubbles) and Black - Cody (Buttercup)   AD2000 finds himself being the centre of quite a bit of attention as a spectacle and attempts to entertain the locals with a performance of a "living statue", laying his hat out in front of him, but the message seems poorly understood and he simply ends up as a talking point for the townsfolk and a climbing frame for a few children. Ongar suggests perusing the local wares, and the duo set out to explore the town's offerings. After a while, 2K spots some crossbow bolts and helps himself to them, soliciting an angry shout from the purveyor. 2K seemingly has not needed to handle bartering within the village and does not understand the concept of currency, so the bolts are instead paid for by an apologetic Ongar.   Jakuki and Ceonwulf ask around for who best to discuss matters of cash and jewels with. They're told to ask for Norgin Deg, local contact at the Warty Witch tavern. It turns out to be an absolute dive; Ceonwulf and Jakuki are asked to disarm before being let in by a large, barrel-chested tiefling.   After being settled into talking to this Norgin who's clearly a fence, a round of drinks is bought and negotiations made in earnest. Barter flows until four of the seven rings from the hags are sold for 375g. Upon it being handed to Jakuki, a spark reminiscent of the hoard from Zeke's lair is felt up his arm. It seems that their quarry, Arinoth, has been spending some of his ill-gotten gains here.   Returning to the camp around midday with the purchased supplies, two horses and a cart, the team are cheerily welcomed back. Annabelle fawns over the horses (that Gwen immediately and loudly renames) and Feylari checks over the animals for health. The camp has been reformed into a more orderly affair, though it is still rather run-down and basic. The supplies are distributed and the horses picketed.   GG takes Roderick to one side to highlight their gratitude for all of the work that the group has been doing. A little awkwardly, he accepts the appreciation and mentions that he may need assistance with handling Tarral in the future, if they need her to play a role of prisoner or turncoat or something similarly unsavoury.   A call is made for any other supplies or items that might be needed, and villagers call requests for blankets, additional tents, booze (Ceonwulf) and water. The group turn to head back to town for Ginger's and enquiring about the additional supplies.
The Empyrean Company
Ongar Shimmershel
Jakuki Obsidian
Chaotic Good Elf (pallid) (Outlander)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP
Roderick Bristlecone
Lawful Neutral Half-Orc Half-Elf (Cult Artisan)
Artificer 1
12 / 12 HP
Ceonwulf Firebeard
Theia Reinhold
Lawful Good Aasimar ()
Divine Soul Sorcerer 6
37 / 37 HP
Report Date
12 May 2022
Primary Location