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The only remaining angels in the world. Rarely a human is adopted into the ranks, and even more rarely an aasimar is born. The angels almost never leave their keep unless an absolute emergency, as without their god their ranks cannot be replenished. Only about two-hundred angels exist in the world, most of which live at the keep.   Angels are intersex and bisexual/asexual beings, meant to embody light and beauty. They cannot carry children without dying in the process of birth. Angels who impregnate women are therefore punished for breaking rank and forfeit their wings (though they still live and maintain their rank, they are now considered as unpure and therefore unworthy, and are now considered human).   Aasimar are often unaware of their heritage and don't exhibit outward symptoms and live a normal life, but many still are trained by their parents and become powerful allies and protectors in the world.     OR they are stone creatures with a vertical halo of stone. Breaking the halo results in them becoming a devil.

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