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Camelot was the name of a Romano-British kingdom and it's capital city in the South East of Britain during the 5th and 6th Centuries. It was founded on the remains of Londinium by King Arthur and his knights of the round table in 498 AD and survived until 545 AD when it was overrun by Saxon invaders.   Whilst Merlin and his apprentice Morgana, were present at Propraetor of Londinium, Uther Pendragon's, court, he recieved a prophecy from The Oracle. The prophecy decreed that the man who could pull a sword from a stone, would be Uther's son and would unite Brittania as ruler of Camelot. Merlin took to this idea, formulating plans for a utopian city with Morgana and so the two went in search of the son, Arthur Pendragon.   After Merlin found Arthur and together they had recruited Arthur's knights, they returned to Londinium. Uther's father had retained ownership of the city after the Romans receeded and the aging Uther passed rulership of Londinium over to him. By this time Londinium had fallen into disrepair and so with the aid of Sir Bedivere's gargantuan size, Sir Lancelot's great strength and Sir Gareth's ability to shape the earth, the city was reborn as Camelot.   Over the following years Camelot grew as a nation, neighbouring kingdoms and tribes pledged fealty to King Arthur, and Camelot filled the power vacuum left by the Romans in Britain. The city stood strong, ruled over by Arthur from his palace and protected by the knights of the round. Whilst the kingdom was attacked many times by Saxon invaders from the east, the attacks were rebuked and for almost forty years the Saxons made no ground against Camelot.   In 537 AD whilst Arthur and his knight's were in Gaul fighting a reinvigorated Roman Empire, Arthur's son Mordred orchestrated a coup. Aided by a band of trusted knights and his surrogate mother, Morgana, Mordred overpowered Arthur's remaining loyal forces and quickly claimed kingship of Camelot. This victory was not celebrated long however as Arthur returned from Gaul soon after and fought back against Mordred's usurpation. The battle was long and many fell, Arthur was mortally wounded by Mordred and to save his king (and the timeline), Sir Tristan transported Mordred into the distant future, sacrificing himself in the process.   After the battle Arthur was taken to Avalon to be healed by Nimue and rule passed onto Guenivere. Guenivere ruled for eight years, later alongside Lancelot, but despite gallant attempts by the few remaining knights, Camelot was finally sacked and razed in 545 AD by the Saxons.

545 AD

Founding Date
498 AD


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