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The Dinomancer

Miss Lisa Anning (a.k.a. The Dinomancer)

Since she was born Lisa knew she could see ghosts, this seemed to scare her parents though so she mostly kept it to herself. At the age of five she learnt in school about dinosaurs and discovering that they did once live on earth millions of years ago really excited her. She sought out dinosaur fossils so that she could talk to their ghosts. At age twelve she was discovered by Ryan Avenel the elder of the local witch coven, who brought her in under his wing. Ryan discouraged Lisa's use of necromancy, attempting to steer her away from that dark art and teach her other disciplines of witchcraft, but she still continued to communicate with the ghosts of the dinosaurs she'd found. Her love of dinosaurs also lead Lisa to persue paleontology, both through school and as an amateur outside of school.   As Lisa grew older she began to develop a growing sense of anxiety about the state of the world. She felt disenfranchised by the government, disgusted by corporate greed and dismayed at their false promises on the issue of climate change; from the dinosaurs she knew all too well what global destruction looked like. Lisa began attending ralleys and joined a grassroots organisation dedicated to climate activism.   In early 2017 On a school trip to the natural history museum in London, Lisa saw a Dimorphodon fossil and noticed it's ghost seemed disheartened and trapped, her classmates made jokes about the fossil and it left Lisa angry. So much so that she returned later that day, hiding until just after closing time, and freed the Dimorphodon. She let it's ghost reanamate it's skeleton, instantly setting off an alarm, but she was saved from security by the Dimorphodon, who lifted her up and flew her away.   When Ryan Avenel discovered she had done this they argued, finally resulting in Lisa lashing out at him with ghost ammonites, which he easily deflected, before demanding she leave.   Emboldened by her heist, Lisa adopted the guise of the Dinomancer (a name she did not select herself) so she could use her abilities to make a difference, get the climate polluting companies and governments to change their ways and in the process free her dinosaur friends, letting them walk the earth once more; little did she know this would be her first foray into villainy.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Dinomancer is a witch, giving her access to the forces of magic. She is particularly capable in the field of necromancy, she can speak to ghosts and manifest them as long as there is at least one piece of their body to channel the spirit through. The more complete the body, the stronger the manifestation holds. The Dinomancer specifically centers on the summoning of Dinosaur ghosts and always has on her a fossilised Dimorphodon which she can summon into action at a moments notice. She often uses the Dimorphodon to fly.

Apparel & Accessories

The Dinomancer's outfit consists of an ochre coloured reptile skin jacket, black skinny jeans, boots and black warpaint across her eyes. This is adorned with various bones and pouches containing fossilised dinosaur parts. Wrapping around her torso and back is the fossilized Dimorphodon that she first freed and when not animated into action it sits there as if it was part of the jacket.

Personality Characteristics


The Dinomancer believes that she is acting for the greater good, bringing an end to corporate greed and ecological disaster, where diplomacy is failing and activism is taking to long. To some degree she is, it's just her methods that are wrong.
Date of Birth
15th July 2000
Year of Birth
2000 AD 17 Years old
Green with flecks of gold
Black, flowing with buns


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