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The Enhanced Containment Unit

Public Agenda

The Enhanced Containment Unit (ECU) is a special collaboration between The Ministry of Defence and The Metropolitan Police Force designed to develop and enact strategies to tackle the threats created by superpowered individuals, commonly refered to as enhanced.

The ECU operates like an extension of The Metropolitan Police, utilising all the same policing techniques but angled at more dangerous, enhanced criminals, meaning the standard ECU officer will be more armed than a conventional police officer. On top of the adaptation of the policing technique they employ various contractors and liasons from the technology world, such as Darren Fernand, to assist in inventing new ways to tackle enhanced threats.

Due to the ECU's focus on subduing and containing enhanced individuals they are often at odds with the superhero community, however they are not unwilling to collaborate and have Darren Fernand and The Angel of Islington on board as consultants.


Currently the ECU is coordinated out of the Ministry of Defence Head Office in Whitehall with the field office located at New Scotland Yard. The MOD houses the executives, analysts and R&D department, whilst the field office houses the officers, detectives, armoury and holding cells. The plan is to open ECU divisions in more of London's police stations as well as rolling the project out to other cities in the UK.

The ECU is equipped with conventional police weapons and vehicles along with gear usually provided only for specialist firearms units and gear specifically designed for the ECU. Among the ECU's custom armoury are Faraday taser rifles, Auresium projectile launchers and tranquilisers to name a few.

At this early stage many of the techniqes used by the ECU to subdue and contain enhanced may seem draconian, largely involving electric shock collars and drugs. This is mostly a result of a poor understanding of the large variety of enhanced, who have only just made themselves known.


After The Siege of London the governments of the world were looking for ways to tackle the superhuman threats unearthed by the event. Nathan Davenport approached The Ministry of Defence with a proposal to equip existing police forces with the skills and technology needed to handle these new challenges. Whilst more ambitious projects were still being outlined in Whitehall the ECU proposal was the easiest to implement immediately, solving the nations need to quickly set up a defence force.

To add weight to his proposal Davenport approached several key police officials and private technology firms to buy in on the project, among the people approached was prominent philanthropist and superhero Darren Fernand, Callister technology CEO Elaine Callister and London police commissioner Gregory Scott.

The proposal was approved on 25th October 2017 and the unit officially instated on the 31st October 2017. Originally the ECU consisted of a single taskforce of 8 people at the Ministry of Defence Head Office in Whitehall taking on only a single case in the first month, by December the New Scotland Yard field office had been opened and the ECU was operating as a full time police unit taking on multiple cases a week.

On 31st December 2017, The Angel of Islington flew up to the window of the MOD based ECU offices and knocked on it. This lead to him having a discussion with Davenport to convince him to aid the angel in defeating The Forefathers. Davenport agreed on the condition that the angel became an official consultant to the ECU operating with similar powers to a private investigator.
Founding Date
31st October 2017
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Parent Organization


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