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Kingdom of Dulræn

Overview of the Dulræn Kingdom


The Kingdom of Dulræn is located in north-western Excelsi, sharing it's eastern border with the Roanoke Kingdom, and southern sea border with the Tarakran State. Dulræn can be sepereated in to 3 regions, the Frozen Forest, Himnar, and Verslæn. It is the second smallest nation on Excelsi.   The Leader is who is deamed to be the Wisest. Various challenges must be arranged to determine this, and a leader stays in power until challenged and lost.


The Dulræn is known of it's acceptance of other races. It grew to inhabit Halflings, Gnomes, Orcs, Dwarves, and some humans. It considers all races to be equal, and while there are prejudices towards Humans due to tensions with the Roanoke Kingdom, it still maintains this outlook.


After the fall of Dväghem, Dulræn become the main exporter of refined metals and Dwarven Metalwork, creating an interesting econimical climate, where living supplies are in a minor shortage due to refugees, and metal works are far cheaper than elsewhere on Excelsi.


While not the first nation formed on Excelsi, the Kingdom of Dulræn is the longest to still exist and has grown in power even in recent times. During the reign of the Prabodhan Republic, a group of Woods Elves questioned the practices that would lead to the Integration disaster. As such, after being banished from the Rupublic, this group lead by First King Floki Dulræn established the Kingdom in 1477.

Despite the negative feeling towards magic that the continent of Excelsi holds, Dulræn is the one of the only nations to celebrate it's use, the other being Takara.  

The Monarchy

The Monarchy of Dulræn is not done through bloodline, but rather Royalty Contestants enter in a contest that will determing who has the best aptitude for leadership. They are currently on their 6th Monarch, Queen Hallbera.  


The Kingdom of Dulræn has been known to accept refugees, and this fact is what many consider to be the cause of the Nation's Longevity.   The Orcs   After the Curse of Yuwakami in 2145, many orcs were required to emigrate from Takara to Dulræn. While there were initial issues and scuffles that arrised from this mass immegration, their skill of fishing and the might they brought to the Dulræn army led them to be considered a vital member of the Dulræn Kingdom.   The Dwarves   After the Slaghter and Fall of Dväghem, the borders of Dulræn grew to encampass western Dväghem Empire. All survivors also fled to Dulræn, growing the Dwarf population.


  • Dulræn
    Map of the Dulræn
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Dulrænian, Woodfolk
Controlled Territories
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