Ambergris Dead Zone Physical / Metaphysical Law in Exflora | World Anvil
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Ambergris Dead Zone

In the country or Kingdom of Ambergris between the City's of Lorcan and Yu, in the Provance of Liujia, lies what the locals call the Ambergris Dead Zone. It is a vast area where almost no animal lives and any unfortunate animal wandering into it usually dies within a day. Covered in desert sand and class shards the land is incredibly hot and almost impossible to navigate. The only 2 routes in the area traverse to the east and west of the dead zone to avoid the worst of the area.   Walking on the shards will cause instant cuts on the feet no matter what footwear you are wearing as the shards are as sharp as diamonds. Animals fare no better with the pain of constant cuts sending them into a super of confusion and rage only speeding up their death through loss of blood.   The glass shards were caused by a natural disaster when a large meteorite exploded over the area about 300 years ago and shattered glass over the whole area. The glass is however light and always rises to the top of the sand so if the wind covers the shards up with sand in a day or so they will raise up to the surface to be exposed again.   The shards apart from the damage they can do to any creature in the area also magnify the sun, so they make the sand very hot and even reflect the desert sun up to any animal's eyes almost blinding them with their reflection. This also adds to the difficulty of surviving the environment. This increased heat in the soil has reduced plant cover in the area and increased evaporation making the area devoid of greenery and very dry. The moisture content in the area can get to almost zero making it often like an oven with no release.    


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