Aaron Shaw

Aaron Shaw, captain of Lord Daniel Harling's guard in Saltmarsh, is a man of grit and practicality. His weathered face tells stories of battles fought, his slight limp a reminder of the toll exacted by duty. Shaw brooks no nonsense, his demeanor no-frills and to the point.   He's a veteran man-at-arms, not one for flowery words or grand gestures. Shaw's loyalty lies with his lord and the safety of Saltmarsh. He's seen enough mischief and lawbreaking to have little patience for it, dealing swiftly and decisively with any who dare cross the line.   In his presence, there's a tangible sense of authority, earned through years of service rather than noble birth. Shaw's focus is on getting the job done, whether that means patrolling the town's perimeter or quelling disturbances in the streets. He's not one to seek glory or recognition; his satisfaction comes from a job well done and the safety of those under his watchful eye.   To the townsfolk, Shaw is a symbol of security, a steadfast protector against danger. His methods may be blunt, but they're effective. In a land fraught with uncertainty, Aaron Shaw is a rock-solid presence, a guardian who will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of his lord and lands.


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