Darby Atwood

Darby Atwood, the Herald of Duke Vincent Stratton, is a man of striking handsomeness, his noble bearing and refined manners making him the epitome of courtly elegance. With a charming smile and impeccable etiquette, he effortlessly navigates the intricacies of noble society, earning him the admiration and respect of all who cross his path.   As the pillar of refinement in the Duke's court, Darby exudes an air of sophistication and grace that sets him apart from his peers. He is a master of courtly etiquette, adept at knowing precisely when to bow, when to speak, and when to listen. His ability to navigate social situations with ease makes him an invaluable asset to the Duke, as well as a beloved figure among the nobility.   Darby's agreeable nature and affable demeanor endear him to all who meet him. He is a true gentleman in every sense of the word, treating everyone with kindness and respect regardless of their station in life. His genuine warmth and charm make him a welcome presence in any gathering, and his position of prominence within the Duke's court only serves to enhance his popularity.   Despite his charm and good looks, Darby is not merely a superficial figure. He takes his duties as the Duke's Herald seriously, ensuring that messages are delivered swiftly and accurately to their intended recipients. His loyalty to the Duke is unwavering, and he approaches his role with a sense of pride and dedication that is unmatched. Though he dwells in Stratton Castle in Brindol, his role as the Duke's Herald takes him all over Ashkrim.
"As the Herald of Duke Stratton, I carry not just messages, but the hopes and aspirations of our realm."


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