
The Dreadborn, malevolent entities that emerge from the depths of the earth, embody darkness and chaos. These sinister beings are arose from the shadowy realm known as the Shadowdeep. The Shadowdeep is a subterranean abyss, a foreboding dimension that exists beneath the surface of Aeldoren. It serves as a breeding ground for the malevolent forces that threaten the surface world.   Long ago, the Dwarves, driven by insatiable greed and ambition, delved deep into the earth in search of precious metals and stones. Unbeknownst to them, their ceaseless mining and tunneling opened passages to the Shadowdeep, awakening the dormant horrors within. The Dreadborn, ancient and powerful, rose from their slumber, ready to spread darkness across the land.   These abominable creatures vary in form and ability, but they share a common goal — to sow discord, destruction, and despair. With each appearance, the Dreadborn leave a trail of chaos in their wake. Some are monstrous, grotesque beings with twisted limbs and sinister visages, while others are more ethereal, shadowy entities that slip through the smallest cracks in reality.   The Dreadborn are not easily defeated, and their malevolent influence extends beyond the physical realm. Corrupting the earth they tread upon, these creatures can turn once-thriving landscapes into desolate wastelands. The very touch of the Dreadborn spreads a palpable sense of dread, infecting the minds of those unfortunate enough to encounter them.   In response to the menace posed by the Dreadborn, the Dwarves faced near annihilation, their once-mighty empire reduced to remnants. The remaining Dwarves, resilient survivors of a cataclysmic conflict, have since sought to rebuild and protect their subterranean realms. The threat of the Dreadborn persists, a looming shadow beneath the earth, a constant reminder of the consequences of unchecked greed and the perilous depths that lie below.
"From the depths they rise, embodiments of primordial chaos, the Dreadborn know no mercy, no remorse."


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