Miriam Northway

Miriam Northway, a woman of Dunmoren descent, embodies the strength of the sea that surrounds Saltmarsh. Widowed unexpectedly, she inherited The Brine, an inn nestled by the docks, its timbers echoing with tales of sailors and secrets. With a visage softened by grief yet hardened by the weight of responsibility, Miriam navigates the tumultuous waters of her life with a quiet determination.   Her days are a whirlwind of activity, from overseeing the inn's operations to tending to the needs of weary travelers and salty seamen alike. Despite the constant bustle, Miriam maintains an air of composure, her presence commanding respect from all who cross her threshold.   Attractive and well-endowed, Miriam draws the gaze of many a suitor, yet she remains steadfast in her resolve to remain unattached. Her late husband's memory casts a long shadow over her heart, and she has little interest in entertaining the advances of would-be paramours. With a stern yet graceful demeanor, she rebuffs any romantic overtures, making it clear that her focus lies solely on the inn and her own well-being.   Miriam's interactions with others are marked by a blend of warmth and reserve. While she harbors genuine affection for those who earn her trust, she maintains firm boundaries, wary of letting anyone too close. Her kindness is tempered by a shrewd pragmatism, honed by years of weathering life's storms alone.
"The Brine may weather storms, but it never breaks. Just like me."


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