
The Priest, devout servant of The Covenant, channels divine power in the tapestry of Aeldoren. Cloaked in ceremonial vestments, they bridge the mortal and the divine, wielding faith as both shield and weapon. With sacred rites and benevolent prayers, they heal the wounded, purify the corrupted, and stand as intermediaries between the ethereal and tangible realms. Guided by the competing virtues of The Covenant, Priests navigate the complex dance of mercy and retribution, embodying the divine principles that shape the spiritual landscape of Aeldoren.   Weapons: Club, dagger, mace, staff, warhammer   Armor: All armor and shields   Hit Points: 1d8 per level   Languages: You know the Imperial lanauge.   Class Skill: Insight, Lore (Religion and Medicine), Speech   Turn Undead. You know the turn undead spell. It doesn’t count toward your number of known spells.   Deity. Choose a god to serve (see The Covenant). You have a holy symbol for your god (it takes up no gear slots).   Spellcasting. You can cast priest spells you know.   You know two tier 1 spells of your choice from the priest spell list.   Each time you gain a level, you choose new priest spells to learn according to the Priest Spells Known table.  


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