
Skill List

  Athletics: (Str/Dex) Covers physical feats such as running, jumping, climbing, and swimming.   Craft: (Int) Encompasses various crafting abilities, including blacksmithing, alchemy, and other forms of item creation. (Choose 1)   Deception: (Cha/Int) Involves the art of deceit, disguise, bluffing, and creating false impressions.   Insight: (Wis/Int) Represents a character's ability to read others, discern motives, and understand social situations.   Lore: (Int) encompasses a character's knowledge and understanding of specific areas of expertise. Within the skill, players can choose a particular focus, allowing their characters to specialize in different branches of knowledge. (Choose 1 focus):
  -Magic: Knowledge of arcane and magical arts.
-Religion: Understanding of religious practices, rituals, and beliefs.
-History: Knowledge of past events and civilizations.
-Heraldry: Familiarity with family symbols, crests, noble lineages and courtly etiquette.
-Nature: Understanding of flora, fauna, and the natural world.
-Medicine: Covers healing, first aid, and medical knowledge.   Perception: (Wis) Involves keen observation, detecting hidden objects, and noticing subtle details.   Performance: (Cha) Encompasses various forms of entertainment, including singing, acting, and playing musical instruments.   Ride: (Str/Dex/Con) Represents the ability to handle and control mounts, vehicles, or other riding creatures.   Speech: (Cha/Wis/Int) Involves effective communication, persuasion, and negotiation.   Stealth: (Dex) Covers moving silently, remaining unseen, and infiltrating areas undetected.   Survival: (Con/Wis) Represents the ability to endure in wilderness settings, find food, water, and navigate natural environments.    

Aquiring and Using Skills

  Characters begin the game with 2 skill points to assign as they wish. Each level they recieve one additiona skill point. Skills within a character class list can be purchased for one skill point. Outside of that list skills cost two points to purchase.   Characters may or may not be able to attempt a skill with which they are no trained. Even when they can they suffer a -3 penalty for non-class skills, but if the skill appears on their class list the penalty becomes a -1 instead.        


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