Surprise and Initiative


A creature who begins its turn undetected has the advantage of surprise. If combat hasn't started yet, those with surprise take one turn before the combat initiative roll (see Initiative below). A creature has advantage on attack rolls against surprised targets.
  Attacking from hiding gives away the attacker's position afterwards unless the GM determines otherwise.  


Creatures who are hiding or sneaking must succeed on Stealth checks to go undetected by other creatures within eyesight or earshot. The GM determines the frequency and difficulty of the check based on the environment.
  The GM might secretly roll the check for a character if knowledge of the outcome impacts the situation.  


The GM determines if any creatures are unaware of each other. A creature who surprises another takes one turn before an initiative order is rolled.


After surprise turns, the GM calls for initiative. Everyone makes a Dexterity check (the GM uses the highest Dexterity modifier of any monsters). The person with the highest result takes the first turn. Turns go clockwise from that person.  


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