
Trevelyan is a prominent figure in Aeritain, known for his expertise in the arcane arts and his influential role as the king's sorcerer. Beyond his magical prowess, Trevelyan known to be a man of wisdom and discretion. His counsel is sought not only in matters of magical significance but also in the broader scope of political affairs. The sorcerer's influence extends beyond the realm of spellcasting, and his keen intellect makes him a valuable asset to Lord Athenry's court.   Trevelyan's role in the court has become even more critical following the untimely demise of the late king, Good King Henry. In the aftermath of this tragic event, Trevelyan has played a key part in maintaining stability and warding off potential threats to Aeritain.   While Trevelyan is a respected and trusted advisor, he is also shrouded in an air of mystery. His past, the extent of his magical knowledge, and his true motives remain topics of speculation among the courtiers and the citizens of Aeritain.     Background: Trevelyan's origins are unknown. The earliest account of him is appears in the city of Kingsbridge as a boy during the reign of King Henry's grandfather. The court wizard at the time was Breccan of Brynmore, a wise old sage who took in the young urchin Trevelyan as an apprentice along with the youngest son of a prominant noble family, Lorcan Blackwood. The two boys were friends, by all accounts, but also fiercly competative with one another, and the thing they competed over the most was their master's favor. When the time came for Breccan to name a successor though he shocked everyone by selecting the low born Trevelyan. That ended the friendship between the two and Lorcan departed Kingsbridge not to return for many years.   Role in Aeritain Trevelyn contined to serve Breccan until the old man's death in the days of King Edward's reign. From that point forward it was Trevelyn who served at the side of the King of Aeritain, first under Edward, and then his son Good King Henry. Trevelyan was arguably Henry's closest advisor and great peace and prosperity were enjoyed by the people of Aeritain during Henry's reign.   Sadly it was Trevelyan's childhood friend and rival Lorcan Blackwood who brought it all down. Lorcan used foul sorcery to slay his kin and ascend to the title of Lord of Blackwood. His ambition and lust for power seemed to know no end and only Trevelyan and Good King Henry seemed able to check his advances. A kind of cold war played out in the Kingdom for a time but eventually Blackwood went too far. By foul craft he entered the royal palace determined to kidnap Henry's daughter, Princess Anne. He was discovered by the King who he struck down with the blackest of magics. Trevelyan did all he could to reverse the curse, but the magic was too potent. In desperation Trevelyan was forced to turn to others to apprehend Blackwood while he stayed with the King to slow the evil curse that would inevitably slay him. Sadly the adventurers he had recruited turned out to be less than capable or noble. They failed and in the end all of Trevelyan's power could not stem the tide of the dark magic that eventually reached the King's heart.   The Regency Following the death of Good King Henry the people, who had loved the king dearly, mourned. Locan Blackwood because an almost demonic figure in their eyes, and many placed blame at the feet of others: the adventurers who had failed to save the king, and even Trevelyan himself. For his part Trevelyan had no time to grieve or to focus on his own failing reputation, the Kingdom was in turmoil and Blackwood was still roaming free. With King Henry's only son, Prince Edwin, a mere boy of two, unable to assume the throne, he turned to the King's closest relation, the powerful Lord Athenry.    
"Knowledge is the truest form of magic, unlocking the secrets of the universe."


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