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Kadesh: City of Jewels - Season 1 Ep. 10 Session 10

General Summary

With the gunpowder successfully retrieved, Kip's plan was well on it's way, and after a long night of rest, Arsenius, Eirkoris, and Soyokaze were ready to help Carolina end this blockade. They met up with Caro and Kip in the morning and were told that in order to successfully destroy the blockade and not have to split forces between the land and the sea, they needed to take full control of the Cove, at least as much as possible. There were three areas that the Empire worked out from on land. Those being their shipping yard, Empirion Shipyard, their warehouse, Empire Steel Warehouse, and their fort, Fort Chiragon. There was also a second fort, Fort Tarnak, though this fort was on the water, close to the blockade, and would need to be taken out simultaneously with the Blockade to avoid mortar fire and reinforcements. Caro had already planned to send Brawn with some of her crew to Fort Chiragon, another pirate captain was dealing with the warehouse, and she hoped that the trio would deal with the shipyard, accompanied by some of her crew. Their mission was to eliminate all the Empire guards in the shipyard and take the ship that was dock in the shipyard and bring it back to the Ruby Docks, the section of the docks where Caro's ship was docked. They agreed and were given the day to prepare.   The next day, they set out and arrived at the shipyard just past noon. They quickly found out, however, that Kamagishi was there as well. They instructed Caro's crew to go back and tell her while they tried to take out the guards silently. They were successful, even managing to infiltrate the foreman's office and take him hostage. He agreed to work for Caro if they did not kill him. They agreed but knocked him out so he couldn't run. They managed to dispatch all the guards and get on the ship, however, as they were setting sail, they same Kamagishi running towards their ship. He managed to make it on before they had a chance to take off and he and Soyokaze began their duel once more. However, they were in luck, as Carolina was also nearby, and seeing the trio was in trouble, steered the horse she was on to the edge of the docks and managed to jump onboard herself. Seeing that he was outnumbered, Kamagishi jumped into the water and got away. They delivered the boat back to the docks, and told Caro about the foreman who they had knock out and locked in his office. They celebrated, but that celebration was cut short, as news from Fort Chiragon came back. They had successfully taken the Fort but Brawn was captured and taken away. Caro knew where they were taken him, to Fort Tarnak. Having heard what horrors go on for prisoners there, Caro knew they needed to save Brawn. They needed to attack the blockade tomorrow, before they had a chance to retaliate from the blows that the pirates dealt them today, and now to save Brawn as well. Caro asked the trio for one more favor. That they get as many allies as they can, because they are taking the Blockade tomorrow night.   The trio went first to Mirt and Kevalan. Mirt agreed to help and Kevalan gave them some enchanted cloaks to help them, including a cloak of Invisibility. They then went to Lavelus, who agreed to help as long as they don't ask Annavelia, who he revealed was his daughter. The next person they went to Francesca who agreed, as long as Arsenius take her on a date afterwards. And finally, they went to Vanderval, who said he couldn't help, but did give them some handy spell scrolls.   After consulting all their allies, they returned to the Rose Quarters to rest up before the big day. The day the Blockade was coming down.

Character(s) interacted with

Returned gunpowder to Kip.   Fought Kamagishi.   Asked Mirt, Kevalan, Lavelus, Francesca, Eliza, abd Vanderval for aid in their fight against the blockade.
Character Question   Does your character have an end game in Kadesh?


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