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Kadesh: City of Jewels - Season 1 Ep. 11 Session 11

General Summary

Allies had been gathered, the Empire's control of the sector had been diminished, and Kip's plan was well on its way. Arsenius, Eirkoris, and Soyokaze had done well, but there was no time to celebrate. Brawn was still taken and the Blockade was still standing. They had to act soon, before Kamagishi could retaliate.   The trio gathered with Caro, Kip, Mirt, Lavelus, and Francesca in the Rose Quarters. Mirt told the trio how, before they came to Kadesh, shit like this never really happened. He thanked them for getting the ball rolling and they all toasted to Aeolus. Mirt, Caro, Lavelus, and Kip all left the room, leaving the trio and Francesca. That is when they got a knock at the door to the warehouse. Eirkoris was the closest to the door and thus he was the one to see the scared, young messenger carrying a large package. He said he was told to deliver these here. Eirkoris accepted them and when he look at the note, he saw that it was addressed to Aeolus, Arsenius, and Eirkoris. He opened the letter and it read:   Why did no one ask me for help? -Mr. D   They cautiously opened the package. What was contained indie was an enchanted bow for Aeolus - Soyokaze was given the weapon in her place - an enchanted wand for Arsenius, and an enchanted glaive for Eirkoris. Francesca was puzzled at first, however, once they told her who it was from, she got a strange look on her face. She told them she had heard about Mr. D. She explained he was the boogeyman of Kadesh, always lurking in the shadows. They aren't the first to get cryptic messages from him, but she seemed quite surprised to here that this was not their first. She said she didn't know when they tried to ask her for details on if he was to be trusted, but she said probably not, and to not accept gifts without knowing what is expected of you in return. They didn't listen to her and took the weapons. With that cryptic revelation, they went to bed.   In the morning, they gathered outside on the Rudy Docks and listened to what Caro had to say. It seemed as if the entire Cove had united on these docks, and Carolina commanded them all. Caro instructed a group of Oneiromancer - weather sorcerers - to conjure forth a thick cloud of fog to obstruct the Blockades view. Then, she began to shout orders, get people into position, and such. She told Eirkoris that he would be coming with her. While Mirt, Lavelus, and Soyokaze make their way to Fort Tarnak and take control of it. Arsenius and Francesca would also go to Fort Tarnak, but their job there would be to free Brawn. Thus, the trio helped get everything ready, rested up, and eventually, the time to strike came.   During the day, Kip approached the trio and thanked them for their help. He told them about how Caro joined his previous captains crew when she was only 14. He continued to talk about how she was the fiercest of them all, and, when his previous captain tried to sell the crew out to the Empire, Carolina took it into her own hands and save them all. From that day on, he knew Carolina was somebody that he could call captain. A captain that you could follow to the brink of death and still bring you back in one piece. The trio could feel how proud Kip was of Carolina, and they admired that.   As night fell, Arsenius and Soyokaze said goodbye to Eirkoris and they all wished each other good luck. The raid on the Blockade had begun. Eirkoris was with Carolina, and they were to wait until the signal flame from Fort Tarnak, indicating that the mortars had been taken care of. A storm was being to brew in the sky, a very special storm, the Fian-Qestvar (Summer-Autumn) storm. Caro told Eirkoris that this storm happens around this time every year, so it was a good thing they did this now, otherwise the waves would have made this impossible. Arsenius, Soyokaze, and the rest of their allies took the ship the trio had captured from the shipyard, and made their way to the Fort.   Once they got to the fort, they quickly approached the front gate, they were able to raise no alarm, as the ship still bore the Empire flags - the reason for the capture -. Soyokaze, using the Cloak of Invisibility, snuck his way over the wall, along with Lavelus, who seemingly teleport through the shadows of night. After quickly dispatching the guards, Soyokaze and Lavelus opened the doors and the rest of their group entered into the Fort. Un fortunately, at this point, the element of surprise had been lost. Thus, Mirt, along with the rest of the pirates that had come with them, charged forward, giving Soyokaze and Lavelus the opportunity to stay stealthy and deal with the mortars, and Arsenius and Francesca time to slip into the fort's dungeon.   Mirt's cover worked. Soyokaze and Lavelus made their way through the chaos and began dealing with the guards manning the mortars. In the mean time, Arsenius and Francesca had made their way inside, and were trying to locate Brawn. After a few minutes of running around the keep and a few dead guards later, they made it to were brawn was being caged. Another wizard seemed to be calling the shots. However, after Francesca turned the previously dead guards into zombies to deal with the remaining guards, and Arsenius overpowered the other wizard, Brawn was rescued. On the outside, Soyokaze and Lavelus had destroy all the mortars and Mirt and the pirates were victorious in their battle. Yet, it was not over, as reinforcements arrived, being commanded by a guard who was riding an owlbear. Although impressive, the captain and his reinforcements didn't stand a chance once Arsenius, Francesca, and Brawn returned. With more reinforcements coming, but enough forces to hold them off, Lavelus sent the signal to Carolina. Then, he instructed Soyokaze and Arsenius to take the boat and join the fight against Kamagishi.   Once Carolina got the signal, the second half of Kip's plan was set into motion, fireships. The Blockade was barraged by fishermen, sailing their ships full of gunpowder into the Blockade, and lighting their ship up before jumping off. With the Blockade in shambles, the main fleet, headed by Caro and Eirkoris, set out to clean up the pieces. With Eirkoris at the wheel, the Blood Rose steered straight for the Shogun, Kamagishi's ship. Once close enough, Carolina, Eirkoris, and some of her crew swung over to the Shogun and boarded it. The fight with Kamagishi and Carius began.   The tide was turning against them as Kamagishi proved to be a formidable opponent. Yet, hope was not lost, as Soyokaze and Arsenius joined the fight and together they were able to overpower Kamagishi and Carius. Kamagishi, on his knees, told them how he wished to die honorably so that he could one day see his family in the afterlife. Soyokaze asked him if his family was still alive and if he had any loyalty to the Empire. Kamagishi responded that his family was alive, and it was because of the empire that he was forced to be here and not with them. Kamagishi had accepted his fate, however, Soyokaze wanted to give him a second chance. Handing Kamagishi his cloak of invisibility, Kamagishi accepted it. Carolina shouted, pointing to behind Kamagishi. There, Carius, fueled with rage that his superior would betray the Empire, was readying a Crossbow Bolt aimed for Kamagishi. Soyokaze saw this and threw one of his daggers, hitting Carius right in the forehead. Kamagishi thanked him and told him that should they ever meet again, he would pay off this life debt. Then, Kamagishi vanished.   Carolina and the trio told everyone Kamagishi had been slain, his body going down with the ship. Upon hearing this news, it seemed as if the Cove itself shouted and cheered. The battle had been one, and they all returned to Fort Tarnak, leaving the burning ships behind to sink to the bottom of the bay.   Once at the fort, they celebrated. However, this victory did not go without consequences. Carolina was just remarking that Kip was not here yet, when suddenly, they heard shouts from outside. Then, cannonballs began to penetrate the fort, knocking chunks of the walls and ceiling down upon the the party and their allies. After getting to their feet in a daze, the trio along with Caro rushed out to see what was happening. Caro's father's ship, La Santa Diavola, was in the harbor, and the Rose Quarters was on fire. By the time they got to a ship, La Santa Diavola was beginning to sail away. However, that wasn't what Carolina was worried about.   The trio accompanied her as they took a boat towards the burning embers on the docks. Once they arrived, the fire had been mostly put out. Yet, inside laid the dead body of Kip. Caro and the party saw this, and while Carolina mourned, the trio looked around for Uk'Un'Evar. He was nowhere to be found. It seemed that Carolina's father had done his, stolen the Tortle, and killed Kip. Carolina wanted revenge.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Blockade Story Arc Complete.

Character(s) interacted with

Talked with Francesca about Mr. D..   Listened to Caro's speech.   Talked to Kip about Caro.   Freed Brawn.   Spared Kamagishi.


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