The Thousand Heavens Geographic Location in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

The Thousand Heavens

The thousand heavens are an infinite set of infinite domains that are scattered across the metaphysical plane.They are the birthplace of the first angels and each is often described as a form of paradise. Despite this, few wish to venture into the heavenly dimensions. The heavens and hells function on specific sets of rules and breaking these unwritten and unspoken rules can be unhealthy for the one who does so. The entities who reside in the heavenly dimensions are steadfast and righteous to a fault, adhering to their domains with a fiery fever.   Angelic beings are like spirits in that their domains drive them instinctively and will never make exceptions to their rules. Unlike spirits, however, many do have a will of their own with goals and agendas and can be negotiated with so long as their Beliefs are not compromised.     The name refers to a long-lost text of a researcher from Ozlith named Hydryst Marcellinus who traversed the heavens and hells and cataloged them. He theorized that while the number of heaven and hell dimensions is infinite, there are close to a thousand distinctive factors that go into their formation and evolution. Hence a thousend heavens and athousend hells


Each domain is different depending on what aspect of reality it represents. Each one is described as a paradise.
The forms of life that exist in these plans are varied and usually resemble the aspect their domain represents. The most memorable being to mortals would be the angels.   Angel is a broad term that refers to the major celestials of these domains. It can also refer to angelic spirits that appear here and in every domain.     The angels divide themselves into hierarchies and even factions based on domain. A good example would be the Aldritch, who while benevolent have caused many issues on the physical plain
Dimensional plane


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Dec 8, 2019 06:46

Did you mean to say 'firey fervor'?   also, thousand is misspelled in the links near the bottom.

Dec 8, 2019 08:37 by R. Dylon Elder

ohhhh dear, this is still published. Sorry friend, you wandered into the seedy undeveloped backstreets of this here world. thanks for pointing those out. not the best article ive done. planning the rewrite soon.

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