Dimmin (Dim-in)

Small folk usually without magic. They have their own villages but many choose to live among the tall folk and do business with them. It has turned into a mutually beneficial relationship for many. With their small, dextrous hands, Dimmins make the best tinkerers. They are known for their mastery of clockwork engineering. Their villages are testaments to their technological prowess. Gas lights dot their streets, steam powered trains are in the works, and automatons help citizens in daily life. Steam powered engines they developed provide much of their power and they are leaders in modern appliances for the home. Indoor plumbing has become a favorite investiture of the wealthy and noble.    They are wary of magic, since they cannot wield it, so there is some tension when they give birth to a Dimmin that can use magic. These children are called Thairiniol and are shunned by the villages. (See Sub Category Article - Thairiniol).

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dimmin look like smaller humans, their features are a little more exaggerated. Bigger eyes, mouths and noses can all be a part of a Dimmin's look. This can be deceiving as they don't always match their features. Someone with big innocent looking eyes can be cunning and ruthless while someone with a large mouth can be very shy and quiet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Conclave of Craft is a group of the most adept and successful Dimmin. They make overall decisions on the governance of Dimmin society such as determining if something is worth researching, resolving inventor credit disputes, and banning technology that is deemed unsafe for Dimmin society.

Facial characteristics

Dimmin features are very exaggerated. Human sized features on smaller bodies.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dimmins tend to live in human cities and towns but also have their villages dotted across the land.

Average Intelligence

Very intelligent. They are masters of engineering and crafting. Their cities are paragons to technological progress, where steam has become a major source of fuel. The Dimmins are always innovating and improving on their old inventions.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Conclave of Craft - The COC

Average Technological Level

Advanced Steampunk.

Common Taboos

  • Magic of any kind. 
  • Plagiarism and idea theft.
  • Result Falsification.
150-200 years on average. Dimmin without magic tend to live longer to about 200 while Dimmin with magic, or Thairiniol, tend to only live to about 150. It is possible, but untested, that the access to magic puts a strain on the physical body.
Average Height
3-4 ft.
Average Weight
Average Physique
Can vary based on work ethic and belief. Some Dimmins believe that a balance of body and mind helps achieve the best results while others choose to focus on their work to the exclusion of all else, including physical health.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Can vary based on region.
Related Ethnicities


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