Elemn (eh-leh-mn)

Elemental beings of all kinds. There are basic Elemn as well as variant Elemn that can naturally occur. 
  • Basic Elemn: Air, Fire, Water, Earth
  • Variant Elemn: Lightning, Magma, Sand, Poison, Steam etc.
There is room for even more variants to exist.    The basic Elemn have tribes scattered across the land they reside in (Tentatively in Quadrant B on the main continent but also possibly on the islands). Variant Elemn tend to wander, outcasts in their own lands, they choose to reside close to the element they most resonate with. It can be a solitary life for many of the variant types. It does depend on how far removed the affinity is from the original to manage to fit in to the village they were born into. Some take up a life of wandering and travel, making their trade in protecting goods on their supply routes to different destinations.


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