Minor Branches of Crafting

Some branches of crafting tend to overlap with the needs of adventurers more than others. The ones that do not are listed here as minor branches. These are no less important to a world and an economy, but provide more basic necessities, materials, and valuable goods. The primary use of these branches of crafting are to produce valuable goods.   One common interaction with these branches of crafting is with enchanting—magic has expensive taste, and it might be hard to find, for example, boots worth 250 gp—those are some fancy boots! You can use these branches of crafting to make or calculate how such things might be made.   The following provides tool and ability score for each minor branch of crafting, as well as some examples of materials and produced items, but keep in mind that minor branches exist primarily for value added crafting, the provided examples are just reference points (instances) of the value added formula.


  Weaving allows you to create textiles from raw material. This is rarely within the scope of what adventurers will pursue, but occasionally useful. This largely exists as a background explanationtailoring.  
Weaving Modifier = your Weaver’s tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Materials Value
spool of thread 1 cp
raw wool 1 cp
raw cotton 1 cp
raw silk 1 sp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Bolt of Cloth 1 raw cotton or raw wool 1 DC 8 1 sp
Bolt of Silk 1 raw silk 1 DC 10 2 gp


  Cobbling is the art of making shoes and boots, typically from leather. A narrow but occasionally useful art of crafting—after all, most adventurers and common folk alike prefer to wear shoes. Often the best route of making boots fit for magical enchantment.  
Cobbling Modifier = your Cobbler’s tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Materials Value
scraps of leather 1 sp
buckles 2 sp
tanned leather 3gp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Shoes 8 scraps of leather 1 buckle 1 DC 9 2 gp
Boots 1 tanned leather 1 buckle 1 DC 10 5 gp
Nice Boots 1 tanned leather 1 buckle 3 DC 16 100 gp
Fancy Boots 1 tanned leather 1 buckle 50 gp of rare materials 4 DC 16 240 gp


  Masonry is the art of working of stone. They can provide skilled labor for large scale stoneworking projects, or create statues and small stone carvings.  
Masonry Modifier = your Mason’s Tools proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier
Materials Value
unit of stone 2 gp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Simple Statue 1 unit of stone 8 DC 12 35 gp
Masterwork Statue 1 unit of stone 8 DC 18 670 gp


  Glassblowing is the art of working glass with blown air to create bottles, vials, and small glass arts. Glassblowing typically requires glassblowers tools and a source of great heat (generally a specific heat source, or a forge, or a magical source).  
Glassblowing Modifier = your Glassblower’s Tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Materials Value
unformed glass 1 sp
Produced Items Materials Check DC Value
Glass Vial 1 unformed glass 1 DC 9 1 gp
Fancy Parts (Lenses) 1 unformed glass 3 DC 11 10 gp
Esoteric Parts (Lenses) 2 unformed glass 6 DC 15 100 gp


  Painting is an artistic pursuit of making art and portraits, typically on canvas. It can be used for a wide range of other purposes, such as making signs, disguises, and illustrations. Some magic items require valuable art as a basis.  
Painting Modifier = your Painter’s supplies proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Materials Value
paint 1 cp
canvas 1 cp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Painting 1 paint 1 canvas 4 DC 8 4 sp
Fancy Painting 1 paint 1 canvas 8 DC 15 150 gp


Brewing primarily the art of fermenting things into alcoholic substances, most often forms of ales. While of little practical use, it is an art of personal enthusiasm for many of the adventuring sorts and layfolk of the world.  
Brewing Modifier = your Brewer’s Supplies proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Materials Value
Supplies 1 gp
barrel 1 sp
flask 1 sp
oak barrel 5 sp
uncommon supplies 10 gp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Barrel of Swill 1 supplies 1 water 1 barrel 2 DC 8 12 sp
Barrel of Beer 1 supplies 1 water 1 barrel 2 DC 12 10 gp
Barrel of Mead 1 supplies 1 uncommon supplies 1 water 1 Oak barrel 3 DC 14 50 gp
Dwarven Alcohol 1 supplies 1 common reactive regents 1 sturdy metal flask 4 DC 12 20 gp
10x Flask of Distilled Alcohol 1 supplies 1 water 1 flask 2 DC 12 5 sp

Brewing Time

While brewing only takes a few hours, common beer takes 3 days to ferment, and fancier ones may take weeks or months. As a very simple rule of thumb:
  • Beer worth less than 5 gp a barrel takes 3 days.
  • Beer worth more than 5 gp takes 2 weeks.
  • Alcohol takes 3 days, with the 2 checks made at the start, after which the alcohol can be collected after the brewing time.
  • Particularly fancy or exotic beverages may take longer; up to months.


  The art of making jewelry of all forms, from cutting gems, setting them, or creating fine metal works.  
Jewelcrafting Modifier = your Jeweler’s Tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Cut Jewel

Name Materials Checks DC Value
Basic Cut 1 rough gem 2Critical DC 14 x1.25**
Exotic Cut 1 rough gem 2Critical DC 18 x1.5**
  • Critical If check is failed by 5 or more, the gem shatters and the material component is lost.
  • ** The value of cutting gems depends on the basic value of the uncut gem, and is a value multiplier. A rough gem worth 100 gp with a basic cut would become worth 125 gp. An already cut gem cannot be cut again


Name Materials Checks DC Value
Common Ring 3 silver scraps 4 DC 12 20 gp
Valuable Ring 3 gold scraps 6 DC 16 200 gp
Masterwork Ring 3 mithril scraps 8 DC 17 420 gp
Socketed Ring 3 silver scraps 4 DC 14 45 gp
Common Amulet 3 gold scraps 4 DC 15 150 gp
Valuable Amulet 4 gold scraps 1 gem worth at least 50 gp 6 DC 16 250 gp
Masterwork Amulet 4 mithril scraps 1 gem worth at least 200 8 DC 17 650 gp


Name Materials Checks DC Value
Basic Glasses 2 parts 1 metal scraps 2 DC 12 10 gp
Quality Glasses 2 fancy parts 1 silver scraps 3 DC 14 50 gp


  Carpentry makes furniture and small-scale construction. Often used to make simple mundane objects or modifications.  
Carpentry Modifier = your Carpenter’s tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Materials Value
Common Branch 1 sp
Parts 2 gp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
4x Chairs 4 common branch 1 parts 2 DC 8 1 gp
Table 8 common branch 1 parts 2 DC 8 2 gp
Door 4 common branch 1 parts 2 DC 10 6 gp


  The art of turning textiles into clothes and cloth-based accessories, from utilitarian to ornate gowns. Ornate clothing sometimes serves as the basis of magic gear.  
Tailor Modifier = your Weaver’s tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Materials Value
cloth scraps 1 cp
spool of thread 1 cp
bolt of cloth 1 sp
bolt of silk 1 gp
Produced Items Materials Checks DC Value
Hat/Cap 5 cloth scraps 1 spool of thread 2 DC 8 2 sp
Clothes 2 bolts of cloth 1 spool of thread 3 DC 10 6 gp
Robe 2 bolts of cloth 4 scraps of cloth 1 spool of thread 3 DC 10 6 gp
Cloak 2 bolts of cloth 1 spool of thread 2 DC 8 4 sp
Cape 1 bolt of cloth 4 scraps of cloth 1 spool of thread 2 DC 8 3 sp
Mantle 1 bolt of cloth 1 spool of thread 1 DC 8 2 sp
Ballgown 2 bolts of silk 2 spools of thread 4 DC 16 130 gp
Noble Garb 2 bolts of silk 2 spools of thread 4 DC 16 130 gp

Why Weaver’s Tools?

  Because that’s what the default system has. While I could invent a new tool, as much as possible I want to keep this compatible with the basic system, including backgrounds and proficiency. If a player wants to tailor things and consults the core books, they’ll pick weaver’s tools, so I want that to work as they’d expect.


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