Welcome to Extrayus

Welcome to Extrayus, a world created from the aftermath of divine destruction, but as with all things once something is destroyed something must be created. A few simple sparks: of Hope, of Life, of Will, of Chaos, of Power, & of Hatred. These sparks of the last emotions of the destroyed gods came together under one unifying thought “Survive”......This force created the world of Extrayus, the manifestation of the will of the Dying Gods. A Garden of Eden, created from the essence of Gods but completely free from outside influences….   During the Time of Eden many of the races came to be, the Hume, creatures blessed with tiny shards of the Gods essence gifted in the ability to adapt to an environment with each generation. The Scale-Kin, reptilian creatures who through the consumption of sources of power grow in strength and size. The Elemn, creatures born from the primal nature of the elements, wielding that power as part of themselves. The MyrRin Creature born from the world itself, creatures that once were wild animals now have slowly developed into tribes much farther behind the other races. The Elves, mysterious creatures seemingly born from Magic itself, master of magic and knowledge. With their knowledge they unified the races Growing a large tree Estelastar to connect all the continents of Extrayus, allowing free travel to all lands and the mixing of the races knowledge and skills…   Magics and technologies flourished through the union of the races, Years of development in the blink of an eye, Being free from the influences of otherworldly God like creatures allowed the races of Extrayus uncapped growth and exploration, but unfortunately that uncapped growth attracted the eyes of the worst….the end of the Time of Eden…   Attracting the eyes of two cosmic forces, the overwhelming force of the Demon Empire, and the Bewitching curiosity of the Fae Courts. With no source of protection from these cosmic forces the races of Extrayus suffer terribly, The reaping games are what they came to be called, a twisted game over the souls of the races, thousands disappearing into the shadows, macabre games of chance with no possible way of winning. For 50 years the people suffered. In a desperate last attempt to push back these forces a hero was chosen from each race to come together and fight back the invaders, using the knowledge of the elves a ritual was performed at the top of the Estelastar Tree. It is said had it not been for the betrayals of the MryRin and Scale-Kin Champions Freedom might have returned to the lands, but sadly that is not true, well not completely. In the aftermath of the Elvian ritual, though incomplete was still able to create a shell around Extrayus pushing back the Devil and Fae forces outside, blocking their grasp on another soul. But the great tree, and the elves themselves disappeared in its place a swirling void of nothingness….The continents once again separated the races separated both physically and the belief that no one can be trusted.    The Era of Recovery had begun….   Four Generations 240 years have come and gone since the Reaping Games, the races separated and forced to rebuild that which was lost. Seemingly a time of peace had returned. The Year is 795 AC


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