

Moru is a wraith living in the city. When she still went by her given name Elizabeth she asked Father Giles for help in turning her back into a human. The priest was enamored by her beauty and agreed to assist. When he could not help her the wraith grew enraged and determined to hurt Giles as much as possible. She ended up losing most of her remaining humanity and turned into a monster consisting of nothing but hate. Out of spite she ultimately ended up turning Johnny - a boy who lived in Giles church - into a vampire.   Moru has a lair in the city that is likely a demenses. It is unknown how she was turned into a wraith to begin with but it seems to have something to do with an evil skull.   History: (F Giles' account) From the various things she told me, I believe she encountered a very powerful artefact which was protected by a curse, and the curse shattered her (as she puts it) and she's been a wraith ever since.


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