
Written by Shaeddyn


Shadow Goddess Bringer of Darkness  


Oubliette is a divine being who has fallen from grace but holds on to her much of her power. Her once white feathered wings and porcelain skin has taken on darker, colorless shades. Her eyes glow with a deep crimson and her hair is a silky black. Horns grow from her head giving her an appearance of a succubus or other alluring demon. She is usually found to be wearing black palte armor.  


Oubliette was once an angel of Justice and Light. She held a high rank amongst her kind and had many followers. She made the mistake of falling in love with a mortal, which was forbidden. The mortal was slain by her superiors as a punishment and something in her broke. She rebelled and started a war, many of her followers following her into battle. The blasphemy tainted her very being, and a darkness grew within her. She took on the mantle of the Shadow Goddess and the Bringer of Darkness, as she vowed to bring an end to all creation for the injustice that she endured.   Those who stood against her used their combined efforts to create a perfect being who would be strong enough to stop her. They being was a mortal girl that they called the Nephalem. They said that upon her 18th birthday she would come into her power and be able to stop Oubliette and the war that she waged endlessly. But Oubliette had spies everywhere and she learned of this girl and stole the girl away to sacrifice her. Soon she came to find that the girl could not be killed and that her sould would reincarnate into another mortal being born under the right conditions.   This started Oubliette's obsession with finding the girl and slaying her. Finding her was sometimes a hard thing to accomplish and Oubliette began holding the girl captive like an animal, keeping her alive so that she did not have to search as often for the girl, only slaying her when she reached her 17th year.


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