The Shadow Cult

Written by Shaeddyn

The Shadow Cult



The Shadow Cult is a centuries old organization centered around the worship of their Goddess of Shadow, Oubliette. They aim to fulfill her will, which is to end all of existence. She promises those who follow her a blissful afterlife with her in her realm, which makes the most devout of her cult unafraid of death.  


The command structure within the cult is unknown, but there has been those who have encountered those who use the title "high priest" who have command over most of the lower ranking members as well as have control over whole bases of their organization. One of the roles under the high priest is the zealot. These members do the dirty work of the cult, making sacrifices and flaying the living for their mistress.  


It is unclear how the cult intends on bringing the goddess' wishes to fruition, but what is known is that their pursuits are evil. Beyond seeking to end life as it exists now, they kidnap the innocent and they are never seen again.

"Let there be Darkness"


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