
Written by jterlecki


Werewolves are considered highly dangerous, but not endemic to humankind. The most dangerous aspect of a werewolf is that the smell of fear seems to drive them berserk.  


A werewolf can appear to be totally human until they transform Passing a metal bar over a werewolf can cause them to change.  


In werewolf form, they are one of the most ferocious creatures on Earth
  • Strong
  • Able to move with blinding speed (appearing somewhere else)
  • Senses as sharp as an animal
  • Armed with claws and teeth
  • Like other undead, they are very hard to kill. Each time they transform, their body repairs itself.


  • In a straight, one-to-one fight, a werewolf will always win. They are the most ferocious and dangerous of monsters in single combat. (Note: few monsters have to resort to single combat.)
  • Their great speed means they can often surprise or evade foes with little difficulty.
  • They are difficult to surprise with their enhanced senses.
  • If a werewolf dies in their mortal or werewolf form, they transform into their other form at full strength.
  • Restraint is a better option.


  • These creatures smell fear, and it drives them berserk. Friend of foe, if you feel fear, the werewolf will turn on you.
  • Werewolves are weakened by the touch of silver, and once restrained they can be controlled.
  • For reasons not yet understood, a werewolf seems to draw down lightning during a storm, lending support to the religious view of these creatures.


Silver is key. Silver steals the strength of these monsters, and only silver can deal a fatal wound that they cannot regenerate.


Werewolves are often convinced they are still mortal, and referred to as "twilight" by other monsters because of this.


Anyone who has sex with a werewolf, or comes into contact with their blood as they are dying, risks contracting this curse.
a werewolf
Monster Undead   Key Features
  • Ferocity
  • Tracking
  • Speed
Weakness Curse
  • Sex
  • Dying Blood
Related Materials

Known Werewolves

Henry Cruft


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