House Velareth

House Velareth is a prominent noble house within the intricate and treacherous society of the Drow in the Umbra. Known for their mastery of intrigue, diplomacy, and arcane arts, House Velareth has carved out a significant presence and influence in their dark and foreboding realm.   House Velareth stands as a formidable presence in the Umbra, its members navigating a world of shadows and intrigue with skill and determination. Their legacy of cunning diplomacy, arcane mastery, and ruthless ambition ensures that they remain at the forefront of Drow society, shaping the destiny of their dark realm.  




House Velareth traces its origins back to the tumultuous early days of Drow society in the Umbra. Founded by a cunning and ambitious matriarch, the house quickly established itself through strategic alliances and calculated political maneuvers.

Rise to Prominence:

Over the centuries, House Velareth expanded its wealth and influence through shrewd diplomacy and skilled manipulation of rivals. They emerged as one of the leading houses in the city, commanding respect and fear among their peers.

Political Power:


Intrigue and Diplomacy:

House Velareth is renowned for its mastery of political intrigue and diplomacy. They excel in navigating the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and betrayals that define Drow society. Their members are skilled negotiators, spies, and assassins, adept at maintaining and expanding their influence.

Alliances and Rivalries:

The house carefully cultivates alliances with other powerful houses while undermining rivals through subtle sabotage and calculated schemes. They play a delicate game of power, always seeking to advance their own interests without exposing themselves to undue risk.

Culture and Traditions:

Arcane Mastery:

House Velareth places a strong emphasis on the arcane arts. They boast a lineage of powerful sorcerers and wizards who have contributed significantly to the house's prestige and influence. Magical prowess is highly valued, with arcane knowledge passed down through generations.

Religious Practices:

While not overtly devout, House Velareth honors ancestral spirits and traditional Drow deities, viewing religious rituals as a means to solidify societal bonds and maintain cultural traditions.

Social Hierarchy:

The house adheres strictly to Drow societal norms, with a matriarchal leadership structure where the matron holds absolute authority. Succession is typically determined through a combination of lineage and political acumen, ensuring that only the most capable lead the house.

Economic Influence:

Trade and Commerce:

House Velareth controls lucrative trade routes within the Umbra, dealing in exotic goods, rare minerals, and enchanted artifacts. They leverage their economic prowess to further their political ambitions and maintain their opulent lifestyle.


Skilled artisans and craftsmen within the house produce fine jewelry, magical artifacts, and ornate weaponry coveted throughout the Umbra. Their craftsmanship is renowned for its quality and intricacy, fetching high prices in both local and distant markets.

Ambitions and Legacy:

Expansion and Ascendancy:

House Velareth's ultimate ambition is to solidify its position as the preeminent power within the Umbra. They seek to expand their influence beyond their current borders, dominating trade routes and strategic locations to cement their dominance.


The house is driven by a desire to leave a lasting legacy of power and prestige. Each generation strives to build upon the successes of their predecessors, ensuring that House Velareth remains a force to be reckoned with in the ever-shifting landscape of Drow politics.
Political, Family
Family Leader