Sunforged Blade of Truth

The Sunforged Blade of Truth was created by the first high priest of Raelith, who sought to embody the god’s principles of light and justice in a weapon. It has been passed down through generations of champions, each chosen to uphold the tenets of Raelith and wield the blade in defense of truth and righteousness. Legends say that the blade's light grows brighter with each act of justice performed by its wielder, making it a beacon of hope and a symbol of unwavering integrity. It is often used during trials to compell witnesses to speak the truth.  


The Sunforged Blade of Truth is a legendary weapon forged in the heart of the sun, imbued with the essence of Raelith’s light and justice. This radiant longsword has a blade that glows with a golden hue, its edge etched with ancient runes of truth and honor. The hilt is adorned with a sun emblem, and the grip is wrapped in white leather, symbolizing purity and integrity.  


Truth Revealer:


The blade has the power to compel truth, forcing those struck by it to reveal their secrets and speak honestly.


Upon a successful hit, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is compelled to speak only the truth for the next 10 minutes. This ability can be used three times per day.

Justice's Edge:


The sword can cut through deceit and illusions, revealing the true nature of things and dispelling magical disguises.


When the wielder focuses on a creature or object, the blade can cut through illusions and reveal hidden truths. This ability can be used twice per day and lasts for 1 minute.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
2.5 lbs
40 in
Base Price