The Eye of the Abyss

"...villages, forests, mountains, and cities all reduced to ash. Oceans dry and landscapes crack until the very world splits apart, reduced to nothing but rubble and dust. This, is what he saw..." - Exerpt, The Maw of Destruction
The Eye of the Abyss is a perfectly smooth, hollow sphere of black crystal that appears to contain a swirling void. Gazing into it is said to show visions of the end of all things.


In the ancient, forgotten epoch when the gods first wove the fabric of the cosmos, a fragment of the void from which Emtyus, the Devourer, was born, was cast into the material plane. This fragment, a perfectly smooth, hollow sphere of black crystal, became known as the Eye of the Abyss. It was said to hold within it a swirling void, a piece of Emtyus' own essence, capable of showing visions of the end of all things.  

Creation and Discovery:

The Eye of the Abyss was formed during the creation of Emtyus in the primordial chaos. As the gods struggled to bring order to the universe, a shard of pure void broke away from Emtyus and solidified into the black crystal sphere. This artifact was lost in the vastness of space, hidden from the eyes of mortals and gods alike for millennia.   Centuries passed before the Eye was discovered by a wandering nomadic tribe on a young, chaotic Eyolon. The tribe’s shaman, drawn to the artifact’s eerie glow, retrieved it and claimed it as a divine gift. Upon gazing into the Eye, the shaman received visions of cosmic annihilation and glimpses of the universe’s end. The tribe, interpreting these visions as prophecies, began to worship Emtyus, founding the first cult dedicated to the Devourer.  

The Cult’s Rise:

As the cult of Emtyus grew, the Eye of the Abyss became its most sacred relic. Cult leaders, known as the Harbingers of the Void, used the Eye to guide their actions, believing it provided divine insight into when and where they should enact acts of destruction to appease their god. The Eye was also used in dark rituals, where followers would meditate on its depths, seeking to understand the nature of the void and their place within it.   The cult spread across continents, leaving a trail of ruin in its wake. The Eye’s power was undeniable, and many were drawn to its promise of ultimate knowledge and power through destruction. However, with its use came great risk, as prolonged exposure to the Eye's visions could drive individuals to madness, consumed by the overwhelming darkness they beheld.  

The Great Purge:

The cult’s unchecked destruction eventually drew the ire of other deities and their followers. A coalition of holy warriors and sorcerers embarked on a crusade to eradicate the cult of Emtyus. After years of relentless battles, they finally besieged the cult's stronghold, a dark temple built around the Eye of the Abyss.   In a climactic battle, the temple was razed, and the cult’s leaders were slain. However, the Eye itself could not be destroyed. The crusaders, fearing its power, sealed it within a heavily warded vault deep beneath the ruins of the temple. There, it lay dormant, its dark influence contained but not eradicated.  


Whispers of the Eye of the Abyss persist to this day. Scholars and treasure hunters alike seek it, drawn by tales of its power and the visions it bestows. Some believe it is a key to understanding the end of the universe, while others see it as a weapon of unparalleled destruction.   The cult of Emtyus, though shattered, has never been fully extinguished. In the darkest corners of the Eyolon, secret sects continue to venerate the Devourer, seeking to reclaim the Eye and unleash its power once more. For now, the Eye remains hidden, a dormant fragment of the void, waiting for the day it will be found and its dark purpose fulfilled again.
Item type
Unique Artifact
2 lbs
Sphere, 5in in Circumference
Base Price