The Maw of Eternity

"...consumed by a swirling vortex of darkness, the creature was paralyzed with fear, faced with the inevitability of utter destruction. It was horrifying to witness, yet the power was undenyable..." - Unknown
    The Maw of Eternity is a massive, intricately carved obsidian chalice, emanating an aura of ominous power. Crafted from the darkest, most unyielding stone, its surface is adorned with ancient runes and symbols that pulsate with a faint, eerie glow. The chalice’s interior is a void-like black, absorbing all light and seemingly extending into an endless abyss.   Legend has it that the Maw of Eternity was forged in the heart of a dying star by Emtyus himself and given to the first of his followers. This artifact is believed to possess the insatiable hunger of Emtyus himself, capable of consuming any substance placed within its depths, reducing it to nothingness.   The Maw of Eternity serves as both a tool and a symbol for the cult of Emtyus. In their rituals, the chalice is used to offer sacrifices, whether material, liquid, or even living, to appease their god. The consumed offerings are said to feed Emtyus' boundless appetite, maintaining the balance of creation and destruction.   To witness the Maw in action is to confront the terrifying power of absolute obliteration. When an object is placed inside, it is instantly enveloped by a swirling vortex of darkness, vanishing without a trace. This process is accompanied by a deep, resonant hum, echoing the brimstone void from which Emtyus originates.   The Maw of Eternity is not just an artifact but a conduit to the void, a direct link to the essence of the Devourer. Its mere presence is a constant reminder to the cult of their god’s omnipotent power and the inevitable fate of all creation.
Item type
Unique Artifact
20 lbs
8in deep x 18in wide chalice with 4in tall base
Base Price