The Seal of Rolzire

Purpose / Function

Rolzire created this seal with the help of Hakeaos near the end of the Great Dragon War in order to seal the spirits of the slain Red Dragon Lords.


The shrine consists of a single step up to a main stone platform roughly in the shape of a circle. Large stone pillars, three on one side and one opposite, rise and curve above the platform, the tips of which are pointed and stained black by an unknown magic. The bases of these stone structures are spheres. The totality of the structure makes it look like a large stone dragons claw. Wispy orange magic swirls above the tips of the "claws" and the center of the platform is dominated by an arcane inscription. A large glaive is fixed into the stone platform in the center of the inscription. It has thus far resisted any attempts to remove it.
Founding Date
281, 36, Era of _____, PA
Alternative Names
The Dragon Seal
Parent Location