Velaris Clan

The Velaris Clan is the ruling vampire family that governs Gloomspire Manor and, by extension, the dark territories of the Obscured Forest. Known for their ancient lineage, cunning leadership, and mastery of dark magic, the Velaris Clan is both feared and respected among other vampire clans and the region's inhabitants.  

Clan History and Origins:

Ancestral Roots:

The Velaris Clan traces its origins back to a time before the division of Elaris when the world was still young, and the lines between light and dark were not yet drawn. Legend has it that the clan's progenitor, Seraphine Velaris, was a high priestess of a forgotten goddess of darkness who was granted immortality and vampiric powers in exchange for her unwavering devotion. Over millennia, the clan grew in power and influence, establishing itself as the dominant force in the Obscured Forest.

Rise to Power:

The Velaris Clan secured their rule over Gloomspire Manor through dark alliances, ruthless ambition, and mastery of forbidden magics. They forged pacts with ancient entities and amassed a wealth of arcane knowledge, solidifying their grip on power. The clan's leadership passed down through generations, with each successive leader honing their cunning and strength.

Leadership and Structure:

Matriarchal Rule:

The Velaris Clan is traditionally matriarchal, with the eldest and most powerful female vampire assuming the role of Matriarch. The Matriarch is the undisputed leader, governing the clan with a blend of charisma, wisdom, and ruthlessness. She is both a spiritual and temporal leader, guiding the clan's political moves and dark rituals.

Council of Elders:

Beneath the Matriarch is the Council of Elders, composed of the oldest and most experienced vampires in the clan. These individuals serve as advisors and enforcers, each with their own sphere of influence and specialization in areas such as dark magic, warfare, and diplomacy. The council also includes representatives from prominent families within the clan, ensuring that power remains balanced and disputes are settled with minimal bloodshed.


The clan is divided into several bloodlines, each tracing its descent from a key figure in the clan's history. These bloodlines have their unique abilities and roles within the clan, from warriors and assassins to scholars and ritualists. While loyalty to the Matriarch is paramount, rivalries between bloodlines are common, with each vying for favor and status.

Culture and Practices:

Dark Rituals:

The Velaris Clan is deeply religious, worshiping Noctyra, the Goddess of Darkness, Murder, and Sabotage. They believe that their powers are gifts from Noctyra herself, and they conduct elaborate rituals to honor her and draw upon her favor. These rituals often involve blood magic, sacrifices, and invocations of shadowy entities, conducted in the hidden chambers of Gloomspire Manor.

Secrecy and Manipulation:

The clan thrives on secrecy and manipulation, viewing information as the most valuable currency. They employ a vast network of spies, informants, and agents throughout the Obscured Forest and beyond, ensuring they are always several steps ahead of their enemies. The Velaris Clan is known for orchestrating intricate plots that span decades, all with the aim of furthering their power and influence.

Blood Feuds and Alliances:

While the Velaris Clan is the ruling family, their dominance is not without challenge. Blood feuds with rival vampire clans and other supernatural entities are common, though these are often resolved through calculated alliances or decisive, brutal actions. The clan is also known to forge temporary alliances with humans and werewolves when it suits their needs, though such alliances are always fraught with tension and mistrust.

Reputation and Influence:

Fear and Reverence:

Among the inhabitants of the Obscured Forest, the Velaris Clan is both feared and revered. Their rule is seen as absolute, and their wrath is something to be avoided at all costs. Tales of the Velaris Clan’s cruelty and power are whispered in the darkest corners of the forest, and even the bravest warriors hesitate to challenge them.

Architects of the Night:

The Velaris Clan sees themselves as the rightful rulers of the night, with a divine mandate from Noctyra to maintain the balance between darkness and light. They view their role as both protectors and predators, ensuring that the Obscured Forest remains a sanctuary for those who embrace the night.

Eternal Vigilance:

The Velaris Clan is always on guard against threats to their rule, both from within and without. They maintain strict control over their domain, using a combination of fear, manipulation, and dark magic to keep their subjects in line and their enemies at bay.

Current Matriarch:

Lady Seraphine Velaris:

The current Matriarch of the Velaris Clan, Lady Seraphine Velaris, is a figure of awe and dread. Her rule is marked by a blend of cunning diplomacy and ruthless enforcement of her will. She is a master of shadow magic and is known for her ability to weave complex plots that further the clan's interests while eliminating threats. Under her leadership, the Velaris Clan remains firmly in control of Gloomspire Manor and the Obscured Forest, their power unchallenged and their influence ever-growing.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members