A fleeing Akumaji Tiefling looking to change their life for the better, Xora is a mischievous, elusive, and cunning little 'devil' with skills made to put thieves, frauds, and their patron to shame.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Xora has a lean build with a touch of more 'feminine' aspects that they seem to lead towards. One of the more 'soft' looking members of the party.
Body Features
A mildly intricate tattoo design creeps up their arms, circling around what can best be described as a lotus flower on their shoulders. When using their powers, the tatoo glows from their dull dark brown shade to a bright red.
The horns on their head could be described as 'short' when compared to other tieflings, shifting from the marble tones to the browns as it goes up the tips.
Identifying Characteristics
Xora's oni-like teeth can help identify them as an Akumaji tiefling, a child born that was born into a family that took part in the Summer Wars.
Mental characteristics
Gender Identity
Personality Characteristics
A path down to a place of peace, luxury, love, power, and wealth are ALWAYS a tempting motivator, one that especially will not escape this tiefling's thoughts.
However, maybe even unknown to Xora, they may be searching for something more... within.
Likes & Dislikes
Xora likes the finer things in life, food, cloths, art, performances. Thef find great entertainment in providing the entertainment, as well as a succesful little trick if pulled off properly. Less vocal about this, they also appreciate and care for their friends, be it companions, lovers, or family.
What they DON'T like, is becoming the fool, falling for another's trap or pulling pulled out of and continuously yanked about from their comfort zone. A change of environment can be considered fine, and a change in lifestyle was a little less than ideal even if they seem to manage. When someone who isn't them thinks they can mess with their family and friends however, they are much less forgiving.
Contacts & Relations
Xora has some foot in the door when it comes to merchants of Azayashi, thanks to their familial background. Something else they may have connections to a Diviner or a few, old acquaintances of their Grandfather.
They may, unfortunately, may also have connections to the "back alley dealers" of Azayashi.
Religious Views
Though not much of a religious sort at first, Xora did not truly delve into the worship of Kami like their grandfather had, nor were they eager to upon recieving Hakutori's blessing. With promise of opportunity and power though, Xora had been easily influenced, hesitently allowing Haku to become their spiritual mentor to take them down a path of enlightenment, and arguably a better lifestyle.
Since then Xora has been more open to accepting the wisdom of the kami, though begrudgingly.They have come to appreciate Haku's lessons and wisdom as it has managed to save them a multitude of time before meeting with the rest of their party. Some of these lessons, such as flourishing through the good acts of helping others, has been a positive change to the tiefling's life.
To verbally and mentally admit this to them however, will be another task.
Snarky and somewhat condescending, Xora is quick to judge anyone based on their first words, and even harder based on their first actions -- something Haku has possibly been trying to break them out of. As such, should anyone be able to see past a sweet smile, the flambouyant expression, and a charming facade they wear in the eyes of the public, there is no lack of bite in their attitude when they do not feel the need to hide anything from anyone they find distastful.
Devious, carefree, and supportive, a Celestial Warlock once a criminal working under another, currently working as a student and traveler.
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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs