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Angels and Devils XVIII

Lukan returned late one night after training with Usi. He was heading to his room when a crash made him jump and look around quickly. His nervousness increased when he realized the sound had come from Temerity's room. After a moment's hesitation, he hurried over and knocked on her door.   "Temmy? Are you okay?" he asked quietly. There was no reply. "Temmy?"   His call was met with silence, so he opened the door a crack and looked inside. Temerity was still in bed, and the room was otherwise empty, but a red glow filled it. He looked closer and saw that Temerity was tossing and turning. Lukan took a deep breath, entered the room, and shook her gently.   "Temmy? Wake up..." He looked beside her bed, noting the shattered glass on the floor. She must have knocked it off the nightstand. He shook her again.   Temerity's eyes shot open and the red glow in the room brightened. She grabbed Lukan's arm, squeezing it tightly. Lukan stumbled back and tried to pull his arm away.   "T-Temmy, let go..."   Temerity's grip tightened, then loosened as the red glow faded and she blinked.   "Luke?" she whispered. Lukan stared at her with wide eyes. "Oh no, no, no... I'm sorry, please ge me I didn't hurt you. I'm so sorry, Luke..."   "I'm okay," Lukan said, rubbing his arm. "You just startled me is all. You looked like you were having a bad dream so I woke you up."   "No, no Luke, you can't do that. Okay? I was... Just talking to someone. But it can be dangerous if I wake up before we're done talking, so you have to let me finish, even if it seems like it's a bad dream."   Lukan hesitated, pulling back a bit. "Talking to who?"   Temerity paused, then sighed. "You know how you once told me about the Amaned Yaara? It's... Kind of like that, but only when I'm asleep. Sometimes one of my ancestors wants to talk to me."   "Why?"   "Usually because he wants something. He's the reason for my power. He's why I know magic."   "So he wants you to give him things in return for your magic?"   Temerity nodded. "That's right. But I don't always want to give him things, so then we argue. That's why it seems like a bad dream."   "Oh." Lukan was quiet for a bit. "He seems mean."   Temerity laughed quietly. "He's nothing I can't handle." She ruffled his hair. "Go back to bed, Luke. You look exhausted."   Lukan looked uncertain, but nodded. "Okay. Night, Temmy."   "Night, Luke."


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