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Carnival Town

The Sunken Fields
1 EC   Everything was silent. She opened her eyes and stared up at a blue sky dappled by leaves. Sky? It was called sky. She knew that, somehow.   She stood up, but her legs were unsteady and she stumbled forward, falling onto soft grass dappled by leaves. Grass? It was called grass. She knew that, somehow.   She regained her balance and took another step. It was still silent. It was warm. She stepped forward again and looked around at the forest. Trees, flowers, bushes--she knew what these were called, somehow.   But what am I called? I am... I am...   She did not know what she was called. But she knew she was not nothing. She was not no one.   She thought again. She did not know where these thought were coming from, but she had them somehow.   Then I will call myself. I will call myself... Faera.  

Session One: Giddy and Guise

PC Level: 12
Location: The Gleaming Shores - Tempemere
Session Tags: medium stakes social, light exploration
Content Warnings: potential minor mind woogy
Date: 6/18/998   A New Shore   The Ouroboros glides into a dock and comes to a halt. From the crow's nest, a certain tabaxi peers out at the land ahead.   "What the..."   As far as the eye can see, the island is covered in vibrant tents and bustling crowds. He blinks, blinks again...   "Um, Captain Kotenn! You're gonna wanna see this."  

Session Two: Pit Traps and Pattycake

PC Level: 12
Location: The Gleaming Shores - Tempemere
Session Tags: medium stakes social, puzzles, games
Content Warnings: potential minor mind woogy
Date: 6/22/998   Near The Eastern Edge Of The Carnival   "Mama, Mama, Mama, come on!" the young girl excitedly pulled her mother towards a tall building.   "Oh my, someone's quite excited, hm?" a voice asked. Both mother and daughter came to a halt.   "She's been wanting to go to the House of Fun and Fear for hours now," the mother said with a curtsy. "And we heard there was an opening."   "And you're quite right, my dear." The person looked to the daughter. "I can tell you're very, very smart, and even more brave. No one's ever completed the House of Fun and Fear. Do you think you can do it?"   "Yes!" the girl said determinedly. "I'll do it!"   "Well, good luck to you then." He smiled at her. "And don't forget to have fun!"   The mother curtsied again. "Thank you, Mr. Guise. Come now, Lonnie. Let's get started."   Guise waved at them as they made their way into the house. "Good luck. I'm sure I'll see you soon."  

Session Three: Birds of a Feather

PC Level: 12
Location: The Gleaming Shores - Tempemere
Session Tags: medium stakes social, puzzles
Content Warnings: potential minor mind woogy
Date: 6/26/998  

Session Four: Queen of the Carnival

PC Level: 12
Location: The Gleaming Shores - Tempemere
Session Tags: medium stakes social, low combat
Content Warnings: potential minor mind woogy
Date: 6/28/998  

Arc Recap

Well, that sure was... A carnival! A very fun carnival! With games and food and more games! And a very interesting pair of owners, who seemed... Oddly hungry. But it was fun! Even the parts that were kind of horrifying! But it's good to be gone, and it was fun to snoop on Mockingbird's home!   Though it has been four years, strangely enough, so hopefully that doesn't mean the world is already ending!

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