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Departure Date

What lies beyond these winded shores?
What lies outside these walls?
How can we open up these doors?
How can we make it past these squalls?   There's more out there, I'll have you know
There's more to find and seek
There's more to see and more to sow
There's adventure and there's mystique   So hurry to the docks to load
that vessel, hoist the sails!
For always there must be a road
And so a road must leave the Gales
  • From The Songs of Aldron the Proud, 61st Edition
  • Session One: Cavern of Pearls

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Gales - Thaybia
    Session Tags: moderate exploration, moderate combat   Pinned to the Questboard of the Adventurer's Guildhall   Adventurers of Brimera,   By now, I'm sure you know of the recent discovery of a survivor from a past civilization of the Gales, of which there are now no remnants, and the suspected ties of its downfall to the Prophecy of Children.   We have little knowledge of use to try to make sense of these recent happenings, and previous archaeological searches have indicated that there is little to find here. However, there is one place we may find answers: the world outside of the Gales.   To that end, the Order of Brim and the Adventurer's Guild will be seeking to craft a ship that may allow us to pass through the wind barrier. We have received permission from the Enassian Federation to conduct our affairs on their land, so long as we abide by their laws and share our findings with them.   For the first task: our scouts have discovered the presence of a morkoth in the waters surrounding northern Thaybia. Morkoths are difficult creatures, but their caverns possess a pearl-like matter which protects them from harmful effects and gives the isle the ability to move along planar currents. Perhaps this matter will help us to be able to pass through the winds safely. Collect it, and return it to our shipbuilders and arcanists. Good luck.   Sincerely,
    Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emperor, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim   Summary
    The party gathered in the Adventurer's Guildhall to meet with Lukan. He gave them the relevant information, ensured they knew what they were dealing with, and soon enough, the party set out. After some time spent planning and casting spells, the party sent in three octopi summoned by Siora and Dan to make preliminary contact. Soon after, combat ensued.   Though some members of the party sustained significant damage, the battle was, in all, won rather quickly. The party collected the pearlescent matter, as well as a few other trinkets from the lair, and returned victorious.  

    Session Two: The Lost Graveyard

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Shadowfell
    Session Tags: moderate exploration, moderate combat, medium stakes social
    Content Warnings: possibility of lasting mental effects   You're Reading A Book. What Book? Only You Could Know. Maybe You're Just Skimming, Maybe You're Zoning Out, But You Almost Just Keep On Reading When... Wait, What The Fuck?   Trying to leave the Gales, hmm? Well, isn't that exciting! Not to toot my own horn, but I am a tad bit of an expert on the subject, and I'd be just tickled to help you out.   I'm sure that such bright adventurers as yourselves already know that the wind barrier is not exclusive to the material plane. Navigating multi-planar boundaries is much easier if you're doing it with, well, multi-planar assistance. Fortunately for you, I know a lovely young lady in the Shadowfell who might be able to help you. Meet me in a few days, and don't forget those shiny weapons of yours!   - E   Summary
    Many people received a note from Entropy in an interesting way, which... Let's be honest, it's Entropy, how many people are actually surprised? They met up at the University of Basilea, with the exception of Blue, who went straight to Entropy's house, and was then teleported to the university with Entropy.   After a fair bit of discussion regarding what the mission was, as well as some planning, throwing mud at fancily-dressed people, and interviewing of Entropy by Liu, the group met up again the next morning for a pancake breakfast (which was free because it was definitely all of their birthdays, but some people paid anyway), before going to the Shadowfell crossing. This crossing took them directly to the Graveyard of the Lost, where they were engaged in combat by multiple eidolons, who claimed that some of the party was "not blessed to be there." Though snap suffered a very near-fatal injury, the party persevered and convinced Entropy's contact, Aurabelle, to return to the Prime Material with them.  

    Session Three: Palace of the Butterfly Queen

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Feywild
    Session Tags: heavy exploration, high-stakes social
    Content Warnings: temporary amnesia, possible depictions of cannibalism, possible mutilation, hallucinations, hypnosis and magical gaslighting, temporary insanity, temporary loss of character control, loss of time, sensory overload, possible implications of torture   Books Are Out, Newspapers Are In! You Flip To The Back, And See Something... A Little Odd In The Obituaries Section   Entropy
    Unknown - May 1st, 996   Entropy was a beloved daughter, friend, and criminal born in southern Inoa to parents Elisabeth and Byron Veretta. She died peacefully in her favorite cafe, surrounded by adoring fans and disgruntled Order of Brim soldiers who knew they were no match for her.   Her funeral will take place on May 6th at the outskirts of the Forest Yggdrasil.   Summary
    The group met up at the Forest Yggdrasil to discover that lo and behold, Entropy was in fact not dead. She told them about a Feywild acquaintance of hers from whom they might be able to get something useful for the ship, and they entered the Feywild and headed for the Palace of the Butterfly Queen.   The occurrences in the Feywild were rather unpleasant. The party realized rather quickly that they were losing time and getting separated. Eventually, they met the Butterfly Queen and were required to pay "admission" for entering the palace. The details of those payments have been redacted for player secrecy and content ratings.   They were successful in getting the wings, however, and made it back to the material plane.  

    Session Four: The Ashen Sky

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Democratic Kingdom of Asera
    Session Tags: moderate combat, moderate exploration
    Content Warnings: possible oxygen deficiency   Pinned to the Questboard of the Adventurer's Guildhall   Adventurers of Brimera,   Thank you for your recent assistance with the morkoth. We continue to work towards building a ship for our expeditions outside the Gales, and I believe we have found the next step.   In the skies above the Democratic Kingdom of Asera, there lives a creature known as the arclight phoenix. Its electric feathers are capable of channeling the storms around the Gales to allow for safer passage. Though these feathers may be difficult to collect, they are integral to the shipbuilders. Collect as many as possible for the ship.   Sincerely,
    Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emperor, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim   Summary
    When the party gathered in the Adventurer's Guildhall, Lukan gave them more information about the arclight phoenix. The group decided that they would try to talk to it before fighting, and made their way high into the sky above Asera. Though they had some difficulty with the lack of oxygen, they eventually managed to find the phoenix.   Through the powers of Bard, they managed to flatter the phoenix into giving them some of its feathers. Additional feathers were collected by snap as they fell to the ground.   Most of the feathers were returned to Lukan, but some were kept by the party.  

    Session Five: Silver and Gold

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Gales - Brimera
    Session Tags: moderate exploration, high-stakes social, PC-optional   Pinned to the Questboard of the Adventurer's Guildhall   Adventurers of Brimera,   Once again, your aid is required to further the progress of our shipbuilders. In southern Brimera lives a pair of dragons who are in possession of a certain item that may help us navigate the winds around the Gales.   Caution is advised; these dragons, though they have not harmed our society, have little respect for humanoids, viewing them as inferior beings. It may be in your favor to have your dragons take the lead on this mission.   Sincerely,
    Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emperor, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim   Summary
    Upon arriving at the Guildhall, Lukan told the group about the dragon siblings Llolna and Miskair, who live in southern Brimera. Their lair, long off-limits to Brimerans due to their penchant for taking humanoid captives and being more than a little cruel to them, was home to an important compass that could be used to help navigate the wind barrier.   Leaving the humanoids behind, the dragons of the party ventured to the lair and found two very shiny dragons insistent that nothing could be more shiny than them. When the party told them the harrowing tale of a compass that was destined to disprove this, Llolna and Miskair agreed to let them take the compass to a volcano which was said to remove the shininess of anything that went there (they couldn't take it there themselves, lest they become unshiny as well).   The party, of course, did not take the compass to the volcano, and instead returned it to Lukan.  

    Session Six: The Heart of Brim

      PC Level: 6
    Location: The Gales - Brimera
    Session Tags: moderate exploration, high-stakes social, PC-optional   Jeepers! You Just Almost Got Hit By A Carriage!   "See you again in a few days, dearie! It's time to go visit an old friend," the carriage driver said, in a very familiar voice that definitely does not belong to them.   Or did they say, "Watch where you're going!"? You couldn't say for sure.   Summary
    After receiving a message from Entropy, a group gathered at Esther's house, enjoying tea and baked goods for a bit before Entropy appeared. She told them that they needed to go meet Zyxys, the oldest known dragon and former bonded dragon of Brim himself, to see if he has anything useful for the ship.   Once again, the party's dragons left the humanoids behind to go to Zyxys' lair. There, they met a very old very grumpy dragon who was not keen on flattery. However, by a combination of being respectful and promising to leave him alone, they eventually persuaded him to give them ancient ship designs, the beginnings of something that might have been able to leave the Gales.   True to their word, after a few simple questions, the party left Zyxys alone, though not before Funk convinced him to part with a pair of Thiaran candlesticks.  

    Session Seven: The Tip of the Iceberg

      PC Level: 7
    Location: The Frostfell
    Session Tags: heavy exploration, moderate combat
    Content Warnings: extreme cold   What's This? A Sudden Delivery Of... Cake? Surely It Won't Explode Into Glitter Words If You Cut Yourself A Piece- Nevermind   Hello, dearie! Goodness, I've been altruistic lately, haven't I? Well, I suppose a little more wouldn't hurt, so long as you bring me something too! I'll see you in a few days for the details, mmkay?   Summary
    The party decided to skip the "wait for Entropy" stage and just went directly to her house. She informed them that the core ice of the Frostfell might be useful in the building of the ship, and after some discussion of how to collect it, she took them there.   The party struggled with the cold, but had made sure to buy warm clothing so managed it. When they got to the core of the plane, they ran into a bit of a problem: a bheur hag coven with a pet shoosuva, who were none to happy about the trespassers.   It was a very close call for the party, the hags' icy magic taking its toll on all of them. In the end, there were many near-deaths, but they all survived, defeated the hags, and we're able to collect the core ice.   They returned to Entropy, giving some of the ice to her, giving some to Lukan, and keeping some for themselves. Through the combined "efforts" of Dan and HuSH, Lukan discovered that Entropy had been sending the adventurers on missions to aid in the building of the ship.  

    Session Eight: Enassian Fashion Week

      PC Level: 7
    Location: The Gales - Enas
    Session Tags: high-stakes social   What's This? Traveling Street Performers? Let's Watch For A Bit!   The torches lining the street have been blown out, and the makeshift stage is lit only by the full moon. A rat runs out on stage, wearing a little mask and cape, and strikes a pose. A narrator starts speaking... In a very familiar voice.   "A rat gazes out over her city, filled with nervousness and determination. She cannot afford treatment for her sick daughter... But she will."   Another rat runs out on stage and noses at the first rat.   "Her wife does not want her to go, but knows she must. They must save their daughter, and there's only one way. This may be the most dangerous mission ever set before the rat, but also the most lucrative. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time... For a heist!"   Summary
    Once again, the party went directly to Entropy's house. After learning that the clothing at the upcoming Enassian fashion show was enchanted in a way that might help the ship, they donned outfits, some provided by Entropy, that would live up to Enassian standards, established aliases and backstories, and went to the fashion show. They met several interesting people there: creak, a frantic kenku who had lost her child; Bryan Whitlock and his shrill wife Estelle, the current heads of one of Enas' most powerful families; Dottie Blakeley, the daughter of the head of the Blakeley family, who revealed her family's recent success had to do with human trafficking; and the Halpine family, medical researchers looking for ways to substitute animal organs for humanoid ones, and their child Lee, an aspiring fashion designer.   The Whitlocks were convinced by Liu to invest in "Ephemera," a fake up and coming makeup brand which Liu claimed was what she used to look ghostly. With the help of snap, Brio, and Dan, creak's child was found, and a playdate was set up between them and snap. Siora discussed the viability of certain procedures with Bess and Sullivan Halpine.   Finally, it was time for the main event: HuSH and Liu, also known as Sterling and Lavinia, best friends until Lavinia dropped him to start dating their other friend Marcellus, confronted each other in a dramatic argument which drew the attention of the room, and was eventually interrupted by Marcellus themself, played by Ballad. After traded insults, it was revealed that they had never gotten over each other, and Sterling performed a song that brought the crowd to tears and cause Marcellus and Lavinia to rekindle their relationship.   Meanwhile, Dan, snap, and Sirieth stole everything in the employees only section that wasn't nailed down, gathering more than enough fabric for the sails, and some tables as well.   After leaving the show, they went to the Whitlock mansion, where they had heard the Whitlocks were keeping their daughter Anita under heavy guard after she'd run away. They distracted the guards and rescued Anita, completing their mission.  

    Session Nine: The Clockwork City

      PC Level: 7
    Location: Mechanus - Gearport
    Session Tags: medium-stakes social, moderate-heavy combat   You're In Line At The Grocery Store, Waiting For The Person In Front Of You To Finish Paying. You Glance Away For A Moment, And Then Suddenly... The Person In Front Of You Has Been Replaced By A Familiar Face   "Well, fancy meeting you here, dearie! I just popped in for some new tea leaves--oh, do come over for teatime, it'd be just wonderful to have company! We can talk about a new venture I've been working on! You're welcome anytime! But now I must be off. So long, farewell!"   She disappears, leaving behind a jingling of bells and a new item in your shopping basket--a canister of valerian tea.   Summary
    Following a debriefing at Entropy's house, the party was transported to Mechanus, tasked to retrieve an item for the ship, as well as an item for Entropy. They entered the city of Gearport in disguise, and attempted to talk to some of the modron residents. The residents were able to point them in the direction of the vault where the items were being kept, and heist planning and reconnaissance began. Some of the party entered the vault building under the pretense of wanting to deposit an item in the vault. They learned that the vault's security would instantaneously incinerate any intruder.   After much careful planning, the party decided to hedge their bets on the vault security relying on divination magic. Using an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, Ballad hid inside a bag of holding, was locked into the vault, and emerged once the guards were gone. Fortunately, they were not incinerated, and were able to acquire the items, along with a couple others. The items were identified, and Ballad learned that the item Entropy wanted was a Master's Amulet.   Upon retrieving the bag of holding, one of the guards noticed that items were missing. Combat ensued, which the party handled fairly easily. They escaped Gearport and reunited with Entropy. After some questioning about what she wanted the amulet for, they handed it over, and she returned them to the Material Plane.  

    Session Ten: The Laboratory

      PC Level: 7
    Location: The Gales - Enas
    Session Tags: low-stakes social, moderate exploration, heavy combat
    Content Warnings: dubious science including humanoid experimentation, potential harm to innocents   Pinned to the Questboard of the Adventurer's Guildhall   Adventurers of Brimera,   The ship is nearing completion. There is little we still need to ensure its safe passage through the wind barrier. With one final touch, I believe it will be finished.   In the Colrose Forest in western Enas there is an individual who may have the item we need. Please retrieve this item, and, if possible, stop the dangerous activities of this individual.   Sincerely,
    Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emperor, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim   Summary
    After a brief discussion with Lukan regarding the situation, the party set off to the Colrose Forest to seek out the scientist Liom. During their search, they met Tazi, a young wood elf girl who seemed to know HuSH (and a fair few other things) and her aunt Liana. Liana, who had encountered Liom before, directed the party to his laboratory.   Upon reaching the location, the party decided to split into two groups to set traps. One group was quickly rendered unconscious by a powerful sleeping gas, and the others weren't far behind, though some ended up being turned to frogs first.   Upon waking up, they discovered that they'd received certain grafts, which seemed to have some benefits, but also drawbacks. Deciding to figure out exactly what they did later, they ambushed Liom and his guards, killing him swiftly. At the end of the battle, as he dealt the finishing blow to Liom, HuSH vanished.   The party collected what they needed from the building, then returned to Lukan to inform him of the situation. Lukan's spellcasters were able to cast sending to HuSH to determine he was in the Feywild, and some of the party went to wait for him at the crossing they'd gone through previously to reach the Butterfly Queen.  

    Session Eleven: The Child of Ancients

      PC Level: 7
    Location: The Gales - Brimera
    Session Tags: heavy exploration
      Oof! You've Just Run Into Someone! Oh Look, It's Dan!   "Oh good, just the person I was looking for! In a few days, I'll be dipping my toes into the time-honored profession of archaeology by thoroughly destroying the grand ruins of Fort Ail. In order to do so, I am looking to employ several underlings for that day. And you've made the cut! I've reviewed your observed abilities and determined that you would indeed make a marvelous assistant! Meet me at the Adventurer's Guildhall on the second of July and we shall discuss the viability of earning camp creditstm as compensation. Toodles!"   Summary
    After receiving a summons from Dan, members of the party were approached by Dan, who invited them along on his archaeology expedition. They decided to go talk to Ellette first to see if she had any knowledge to share on how to get to her chamber. Upon hearing about the expedition, she seemed very reluctant for them to go, but was assured by Siora and Liu that anything she didn't want found would be looked over.   The party spent the night camping, then made their way to Fort Ail and found Ellette's chamber with relative ease. They found quite a few items of interest, including fairy tales and fables from Thiara, a book titled The Book of Ancients, quite a bit of Thiaran currency, papers which they immediately ignored per Ellette's request, and one paper which Dan found that was not ignored, reading: "For those looking for more information on the secrets here, seek out Terilan Naroiára"   The party was rather shocked at the realization that Lukan was related to Terilan and Ellette, and after some discussion of removing Dan's memory of the event, continued their search. They found a secret room containing a long, ornate box and a painting. The box seemed to block Jiang's detect magic, so after some discussion and a mind blank spell from Ballad, HuSH opened the box to reveal the Scepter of the Ancients, a powerful magic item capable of allowing its user to see the future.   The party decided to contact Ellette about the scepter, via a sending stone and the sending spell, both of which failed. Suddenly worried about Ellette's safety, the party left quickly, heading back to Ellette and Terilan's cabin. HuSH and Dan got there first, only to discover several members of the Order of Brim, including Lukan, who revealed to them that Ellette had been killed.   The party started an extensive investigation, including tracking, assessing magical residue, talking to the local townsfolk, talking to Tazi, and the like. They found out that a druid named Shana had been in town recently, and though she hadn't seemed suspicious at the time, was asking about individuals who lived outside the town. Her description has been given to the Order of Brim, and wanted posters may be seen around the empire.   Thus with an open investigation into the assassination of a beloved NPC, the Adventurer's Guild turns grimly to the future... And to the world outside the Gales.  

    Arc Recap

    Boy howdy, have things been eventful! There's been planar travel! There's been shifting allegiances! There's been murder! And all in the space of a few short months!   Oh, and there's also the ship. Rumor has it that it's supposed to be able to break through the wind barrier--that's so exciting! I wonder what's outside? More murder? Giant crabs? Anyway, this ship is dedicated to all the daring and brave adventurers who lost their lives to gather the components! What's that? No one lost their life? Then who am I supposed to dedicate the ship to? No one??? What do you mean "it's not mine to dedicate"? Fiiiiiine.   This ship is dedicated to all the daring and brave adventurers who were maimed, injured, or temporarily driven insane to gather the components! A special shout-out to Arakainos, Dan, Ernest, Gregor, and HuSH who so nearly made the ultimate sacrifice in the Frostfell (which would have been a better storyline, I might add).   And now on to the big news... The murder mystery of the century! Who killed Ellette? Was it the Order of Brim? Was it apparently-evil renowned criminal Entropy? Was it Shana the mysterious druid? Was it that mockingbird that landed on Dan? Who knows! Maybe we'll find out next time... Or maybe not!

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