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The Enassian Federation. Once a collection of Brimeran colonies who rose up against an oppressive regime, the Federation now flourishes as much as the Empire. Or at least, that's what they'd like you to think.   While the cities flourish, many of the towns on the outskirts suffer from not only bandit attacks, but the threat of wild dragons. Many rural towns pay tribute to these dragons as much as they can to protect their people and territory, but doing so frequently leaves them with barely enough to live on--if that much.   These rural towns often struggle not only with the dangers of their surroundings, but with a lack of sympathy from the more fortunate members of society, who see dragons as an often well-intentioned allied species, with whom humanoids have long bonded.   How is it, then, that so many of these rural towns experience the same sorts of attacks? Are dragons the allies they're thought to be in the cities, or the vicious beasts seen by isolated towns? Or is their nature fluid, uncertain, a product of upbringing, experience, and circumstance? And if that is the case... When does it become unchangeable?  

Session One: Let's Heist a Table!

  PC Level: 4
Location: The Gales - Enas
Session tags: high-stakes social, puzzles
Content warnings: this game involves politics and may result in rising political tensions in the Gales   Suspiciously at the Homes of Ernest, Leastriel, Ballad, Siora, Vlad, and snap   Hello, dearie! I hope you don't mind me stopping by. I've gathered some information and made some plans, and I think it's about time you saw me again! So, if you wouldn't mind coming back to our lovely observatory, that would be delightful.   Ta-ta!   Summary
The party met Entropy at a designated meeting observatory. After quite a while of planning, they made their way to Ligeva, the capital of Enas, where they scoped out the area by taking the Town Hall Tour. Some people caused quite a few shenanigans on this tour, as others did more quiet scouting.   Finally, the party put their plan into action: disguised as the tour guide Jack and a guard James, they summoned Councilor Geo to open the room to the Enassian Council chambers, to perform maintenance. After a brief fight with Councilor Geo, which narrowly avoided Ballad's death, the group left a forged calling card for the Fire Phantoms and vanished into the night.  

Session Two: The Fire Phantoms

  PC Level: 4
Location: The Gales - Enas
Session tags: heavy combat, Political Networking: Enassian Federation   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild   Esteemed adventurers, warriors, and explorers,   Many thanks for your attention on this day. I come bearing well wishes and a profitable proposition for those of you who have desire to partake in such offerings.   Recently, we of the Enassian Federation had a small issue with a group of bandits. We would, naturally, like to rectify this situation. If any are willing, please make your way to Ligeva, our illustrious capital, for the details of this mission.   Naturally, pay will be provided.   Peaceful days and prosperous lives,
Councilor Axas Nesrakas   Summary
The party spoke to Enassian officials in two groups. Together, they collected the information that a certain item had been stolen by the Fire Phantoms, an Enassian bandit group, and they would like the local members to be taken care of. They also learned that two people in the town hall, a tour guide and a guard, had been part of the group, infiltrated, and assisted in the theft.   The party traveled to the location. On the way, they met Laurence, a poor merchant, and questioned him about bandit activities. He revealed that the Fire Phantoms had caused him quite a bit of trouble.   Once they got to the camp, they infiltrated stealthily. HuSH went into a building, but was noticed, and fell under the effect of the friends spell. When the spell ended, he became hostile.   Soon after, combat ensued. Though the battle was somewhat difficult, the party prevailed--but a single member escaped, known only as Tunic-and-Pants. All efforts to locate him proved futile.  

Session Three: Tia

  PC Level: 4
Location: The Gales - Enas
Session tags: high-stakes social, Political Networking: Fire Phantoms   Posted In Various Seedy Alleys, As Well As Painted In Large Letters On The Outer Wall Of The Brimeran Palace   Hello, dearies! I've got quite the troubling situation. My most wonderful friend Tia, leader of the Enassian bandit group the Fire Phantoms, has had some troubles recently due to a rather heinous crime being attributed to her group. She's a bit agitated at the moment, but I'm sure some of you are perfectly capable of calming her down a bit! Why, it'd be just terrible if she were to move against the Faceless Sisters thinking they were the true criminals, Ezikel is such a dear after all. But, quite tragically, she likely wouldn't believe that I had pure intentions, so I do hope you'll meet me to set up a negotiation with them. I'm sure you can convince her to turn her vengeance elsewhere!   Hope you see me soon!   - E   Summary
The party convened in an alley, where Entropy happened to find them, by total coincidence. After some discussion, the party made the plan to instead pin the crime on the Shadow Scales, a small and mysterious group of bandits.   The party then traveled to the main Fire Phantoms camp, where they meet Tia (after a brief interlude to buy nectarines). They convinced her that the Shadow Scales were responsible, and met many interesting figures, such as Lola, who proudly admitted that she'd been caught in bed with Tia, and Tweedledee and Tweedledum, both lumberjacks.   Other important information:
  • Nectarine Guy is married to Turkey Guy
  • Both Nectarine Guy and Turkey Guy are courting Celery Guy
  • Spinach Guy is jealous because he's in love with Celery Guy
  • Spinach Guy and Lettuce Guy were married before joining the Fire Phantoms. They got divorced, and then coincidentally both ended up as part of the bandit group
  • Zucchini Guy was killed by Dan
  • Lola is the slut of the town
  • Due to Lola being the town slut, Plum Guy is no longer married to Nectarine Guy and Turkey Guy
  • Session Four: The Masked Bandit

      PC Level: 5
    Location: The Gales - Enas
    Session tags: heavy combat   Anyone in the Adventurers' Guildhall on Monday Afternoon Sees a Sparrow Slam Into the Questboard and Dissolve Into Feathers, Leaving a Posting in Its Place   Prietena
    The Black Sheep
    Friday, 1pm
    Punctuality recommended
    Pay provided   Summary
    The party convened in Prietena, where they spent quite a while looking around and waiting at the Black Sheep Tavern before a man entered, set down a drawing of a masked person with an arrow pointed at them, and left. This was the entire interaction of receiving the quest. Some people went to talk to him later, though he was quite awkward. He gave them a bit of information, and from some people at the docks they learned that a bandit had been causing problems, but stopped when the town provided offerings to a nearby dragon. HuSH deduced that this dragon and the bandit were the same person, and that the dragon was scamming the town.   After a long debate about whether or not to kill the dragon, the party finally went into the hills. They found the bandit, and HuSH talked to him for a bit before giving the signal to attack.   The battle was short. The dragon was dispatched and the reward collected.  

    Session Five: The Champions' Massacre

      PC Level: 5
    Location: The Gales - Thaybia
    Session tags: investigation, moderate-heavy combat, Political Networking: Thaybian Universities
    Content warnings: discussions of mass homicide   An Official Call for Aid Throughout the Gales   Adventurers, warriors, and friends,   I come to you now in dire need of aid. Perhaps you've heard of the incident at this year's Fair of Champions. The death count sits currently at 217, with 101 still missing. While our own officials are investigating, I know it sometimes takes an adventurer's outside perspective to see the truth of something.   If you are willing to help investigate this horrific event, please come to the University of Basilea.   Your assistance is most appreciated, and will be compensated generously.   Sincerely,
    President Cyril Genelia
    University of Basilea   Summary
    In varying groups, the party arrived in Thaybia. There was quite a bit of talk about what happened, including about strange dreams some people had. They eventually decided to go talk to President Cyril, then investigate the scene.   The president offered what assistance he could, but had little to go on, so the party soon made their way to the epicenter of the explosions. As they approached, Hum's burrowing caused a cave-in, presenting the group with an odd sight: an ethereal-looking woman waking up, and a pile of bones slowly forming itself into a dragon.   The woman introduced herself as Liu, and spoke of a civilization none of the party knew of. She eventually revealed that she had been sealed into a slumber in order to assist the children of the prophecy. When the party recited the prophecy for her, she noticed that it was incomplete, and she provided the missing stanzas.   Though Liu was still coming to terms with waking up as a near-ghost, she proved herself a great help during the mission, finding clues and sharing information that soon led the party to the criminal.   Called by various names, including "Hubris," "Flair," and "And," the criminal revealed many of their secrets, including how they caused the explosion. Combat ensued, and though it was made difficult by the criminal's mind-controlling magic, the party was victorious.  

    Session Six: The Missing Child

      PC Level: 5
    Location: The Gales - Enas
    Session tags: moderate exploration, moderate combat
    Content warnings: dubious science including humanoid experimentation, potential harm to innocents   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guildhall   Hello! I'm not quite sure if this is how I'm supposed to do this, but no one stopped me when I walked up, so I guess it's okay!   I ran into a woman just the other day who was in quite a bit of distress and was trying to find help, so I offered to help, but I'm really not qualified, and then I remembered that I met you guys recently! So I helped her write the following message to all of you! I hope you can help her!   Sincerely,
    Laurence   --   Dear Adventurers,   I hope this reaches you. I'm not sure where else to turn. My son went missing recently, and I've no idea where he could have gone. The local authorities said he probably ran away, but I just know he wouldn't do something like that. Our village has been having trouble with bandits recently, and I just can't help but worry that something terrible may have happened to him. Please, if you have any time to spare, help me find him. I can't offer much in return, but the village has managed to gather a small sum for your troubles. If you are able, please come to Aramoor next Wednesday.   My deepest gratitude,
    Theresa Evemé   Summary
    Traveling to Aramoor, the party met Theresa, who explained to them how her 16-year-old son Ren went missing after leaving the house to gather berries. After brief discussion, the party investigated the area, and with Dan's help, learned the likely location of the boy.   They went quickly to where they suspected the boy was being held, and found an underground tunnel system, which eventually opened up into a large room. Sure enough, Ren was there, unconscious, and being studied by another person. After only a short conversation, the party initiated combat.   The fight was quite short, and soon this third Shadow Scales dragon was dead, and Ren saved. The party refused the town's money, and Siora assisted them by casting plant growth on the area.  

    Session Seven: The Faceless Sisters

      PC Level: 5
    Location: The Gales - Enas
    Session tags: heavy combat, low stakes social, Political Networking: Faceless Sisters   You Find a Note. How? You Don't Know. You Just Do. Don't Worry About It   Hello, dearie! A little birdie told me you're still looking for the Shadow Scales. Well, I think I might've found one of them. If you want my information, gather a group sometime in the next two weeks and I'll meet you there!   - E   Summary
    A party formed, though they were not quite sure exactly where the meeting place was supposed to be. Soon enough, they were greeted by Entropy, who teleported them to the Enassian forest and introduced them to the Faceless Sisters. After a brief interlude for Entropy to go collect HuSH, who was the last member of the party, the Faceless Sisters explained the situation.   HuSH quickly realized that the circumstances were quite similar to those in Prietena (see: Recap, The Masked Bandit), and was immediately suspicious. However, the party proceeded to the town, called Ayallville.   After some looking around, shopping, and talking to the townsfolk, the party decided to approach the lair with caution. However, despite their best efforts, they were noticed, and combat ensued.   It was not an easy combat. One of the dragons remained invisible, and the other, though not seeming particularly sturdy, eventually displayed amazing willpower which allowed her to deflect the party's attacks, and sometimes reflect them back. It was only with Trishula's careful study of her form that they were able to determine that she had a weak point: her foot, planted firmly into the ground. Dan was able to target this spot, killing her.   Meanwhile, HuSH used his poison detection abilities to locate the invisible dragon, and have Hum pull her underground. This allowed them to defeat their other adversary and emerge victorious.  

    Session Eight: Shadow of the Past

      PC Level: 5
    Location: The Gales - Ayall
    Session tags: heavy combat
    Content warnings: possibility of character death   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guildhall   To whom it may concern,   I hope this message does not trouble you. Recently, my military base has been having trouble with dragon attacks. We have reached out to the Council, but they have refused our request for backup. Ours is a small outpost, and we have little ability to deal with the scale of attacks we are currently facing.   I have heard of your recent exploits, and so I am now reaching out to you for the assistance we have been otherwise denied. I hope you can find it in yourselves to assist us in this matter. If so, please come to the military outpost in the western Spurette Forest.   My thanks,
    Captain Myrina Ruelse   Summary
    The party, minus Blue, met briefly to discuss the mission, then ventured into the Spurette Forest. It was there that they ran into Blue and Umbral, who had been strategizing. After some discussion of approach, the party went to see the Enassian captain, who turned out to be the dragon in disguise.   Combat began swiftly, thought the dragon was given pause by Liu, who he recognized from his time before the apocalypse. After quite a bit of tension and combat, the party agreed to let Liu talk to him about what had happened.   The dragon told Liu what he knew, and eventually agreed not to kill the party. He also offered a deal: he would help Liu, and would agree to a cease fire until the prophecy was fulfilled.   Liu brought this deal to the party, but while most of them agreed, Dan and Funk decided to go after the dragon and resume combat. Before he could get very far, though, he was stopped by arguments and requests from HuSH, Liu, and Blue, including HuSH finally revealing to Dan that he is the Grandchild of Darkness, as well as a certifiable downpour of ponies courtesy of Siora. The party talked at length, but eventually agreed to let the dragon go... For now.  

    Arc Recap

    Well, well, well! What an arc! Things were stolen, and then blamed on the wrong people, and then blamed on the other wrong people, which led to some serious draconic discoveries! Let's review: we found out that an Enassian bandit group was made entirely of dragons, discovered a ghost lady from a previous civilization, and killed most of that dragon bandit group before the ghost lady had some serious bonding time with the last one! Fortunately, all the ones that are terrorists are dead now, so they won't be an issue.   And now the big question... what the actual fuck??? People existed before the Gales??? In the Gales??? What a plot twist! Surely this won't be relevant... Tune in next time to find out!

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