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The Traveler

Narion and Zyla waited impatiently for the others to arrive. The mortal was hidden in the woods with one of Narion's dragons, and soon Chyrlathyn would be there for the meeting.   Idon and Ykona arrived together, as did Adea, Atia, and Volnir. The seven had gathered. Idon looked to Zyla.   "I know you don't agree with this," he rumbled. "But if she will listen to any of us, it is you. Will you speak for us?"   Zyla dipped her head in reluctant acceptance. They waited several minutes, but Chyrlathyn still did not come. Narion was beginning to suspect Zyla had been right.   Then, great wingbeats sounded overhead. Narion looked up to see Chyrlathyn's dark form descending on the clearing.   Zyla waited for her to land, and then a few moments more, before she spoke. "Chyrlathyn. Thank you for coming. We would not have summoned you here were it not a matter of great importance."   "I know why you called me here," Chyrlathyn said. "You are wasting your time."   "I hope not. You must know that you cannot postpone the prophecy forever. You are only making it worse by delaying it. You must allow it to come."   "And relive the ancient wars? When my lands were ruled by fire and blood? Allow the vengeance of those foolish mortals to finally come? I think not. Last time we allowed that, the Amaned Yaara were lost. Who will be next? The Servatores Memoriae? The Fire Spirits? My disciples? Even victory comes at a great cost. The only way to win is to make sure we never have to fight."   "Humanity is stronger than you think," Idon insisted. "With us by their side, they can win this battle. They've done so once before. Let the devils come! They will be defeated."   Chyrlathyn looked to him and their eyes met. "They may come for the Heartlands, but not for the world."   Narion saw Zyla look into the trees. They turned to Chyrlathyn, moving closer to Idon and Volnir, ready to spring at the goddess.   "You are a fool if you think-!" Idon began. Chyrlathyn cut him off with a single roar, which as once shattered his resolve. In moments, he vanished. Volnir was gone too, and Adea and Atia. Narion looked at Ykona and Zyla, bracing themself as the second roar came. They saw Ykona begin to fade, and then saw nothing.


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