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Winds of the East

Arc Theme Song: "A Storm is Comin'" by Tommee Profitt and Liv Ash   Welcome to the Gales! Whether you were born here or you recently crashed upon our shores, it's wonderful to have you. Through our wonderful services here at the Adventurer's Guild, we hope to give you the tools necessary to explore the Gales and make a little money while you're at it. So, without further ado... Dragons ready? Fly!  

Session One: Bonding Exercises

  PC Level: 1
Location: The Gales - Brimera
Session tags: moderate combat, low stakes social, moderate exploration
Content warnings: spiders, insects   A message to the Adventurer's Guild:   Dearest citizens,   It is a great misfortune that I must contact you this day. Recently, the most illustrious Captain Ianver Poldren accompanied the newest members of our devout Command Section on a brief excursion for the purpose of strengthening their bonds. However, the time since they departed has exceeded what we of the Order of Brim consider brief, and we have grown concerned. With the glorious Captain away, we must maintain our full presence in the city, and so we turn now to you, the Adventurer's Guild, to make haste into the mountains to discover what has become of our beloved Captain. The Order will gladly pay 50 gold per safe return, or 15 gold for return of a body, to be split amongst those who volunteer for this mission.   Sincerely,
Deputy Captain Derra Summerclaw
Order of Brim, Melodis Unit
At the request of Deputy Captain Derra Summerclaw, a daring group of adventurers ventured into the mountains, searching for the Order of Brim's base on Mount Taruna and the members of the Order who went there recently. Rather than the usual pleasant forests of the mountain, they discovered that spiderwebs had filled the area, including in and around the base. The group the party was looking for was wrapped in these webs. When the party began to free them, they were attacked by swarms of insects and arachnids.   The party managed to win out against their attackers and free the group, who implied that they were attacked by larger, more powerful creatures. Before those creatures could attack, the party found the group's dragons and left, their mission complete. For the time being, the mountain has been left to the spiders.  

Session Two: Castle Walls

  PC Level: 1
Location: The Gales - Arleneas
Session tags: moderate combat, medium stakes social, heavy exploration, puzzles
Content warnings: spiders, general horror theming   Carved into the wall of the Adventurer's Guild:   In the north you'll hear them creeping.
In the night while you are sleeping,
They'll crawl into your bed
And your souls they will be reaping.     The fires still are faintly glowing,
The rivers still are quickly flowing,
But don't you feel the dread?
It's the Dark and it is growing.     Listen close and you'll be hearing
The monsters that the Light is fearing.
Softly speak and lightly tread--
The Speechless Ones are nearing.   Heed my call and heed my warning,
Your homes they have begun adorning.
Leave no word unsaid;
There will be silence in the morning.
By request of Lord Raloven Sylric Contuas of Arleneas, a group of adventurers traveled north to his Arlenean mansion, discovering that the surrounding forests had been infested with spiderwebs. They found similar spiderwebs inside the mansion, and upon further investigation, discovered that the spiders had been influenced by ice.   After scouting the epicenter of the infestation, the group decided to investigate further. They were attacked by a group of the ice spiders, some of them much larger than normal spiders, and eventually managed to defeat them. They discovered an ice crystal held by webs in the epicenter, which was removed and given to the Adventurer's Guild for study.  

Session 3: Calling Card

  PC Level: 1
Location: The Gales - Brimera
Session tags: low-moderate combat, heavy exploration, puzzles
Content warnings: spiders   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild
  Greetings, fellow adventurers!   I'm sure many of you have seen or heard about the recent arachnid issues. There seem to be multiple epicenters of the infestations. We've tracked the most recent, and nearest, one to the ruins of Fort Ail. We'd like to send a party to investigate.   The priority of this mission is gathering intelligence about the infestation. You are free to use any methods at your disposal. Pay will be determined as follows:   10gp per person for embarking on the mission
20gp per person for delivering detailed notes to the guild
20gp per person for delivering artifacts related to the infestation to the guild
20gp per person for delivering a dead specimen to the guild, or 40gp per person for a live specimen   Thank you, adventurers, and good luck!   Sincerely,
Adventurer's Guild Head, Melodis Branch
By order of Kotenn, the head of the Melodis branch of the Adventurer's Guild, a group set out to investigate the epicenter of a recent spider infestation in the ruins of Fort Ail. They discovered that the spiders in the area were influenced by some sort of radiant energy. With assistance from an unknown entity, whose assistance seemed more for the purpose of entertainment than good will, they followed clues to find the source of the energy.   In tunnels below the fort, they found a radiant crystal guarded by a huge spider, which they defeated without much difficulty. They were also able to identify their assister by the calling card she left: Entropy, a criminally-aligned woman known not only in the Gales but throughout the world for her ability to escape any situation.   The crystal was delivered to the Adventurer's Guild for study.  

Session 4: The Vanishing Storm

  PC Level: 2
Location: The Gales - Brimera
Session tags: moderate combat, moderate-heavy exploration
Content warnings: spiders   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild   Greetings, fellow adventurers!   No doubt you've all heard about the unfortunate hurricane that has been ravaging the eastern coast of Brimera and Arleneas these past days. Well, it seems that the storm has... How to put it... Taken its leave.   We are grateful, of course, for the end of this disaster, but the circumstances surrounding that end are most unusual. Hurricanes, after all, rarely vanish in the blink of an eye.   It is of the utmost importance that this strange occurrence be investigated. I suggest beginning the investigation in the Bay of Trees, where the eye of the storm was when it vanished.   Pay will be negotiated upon return, but will not be lower than 60gp per person.   Thank you, adventurers, and good luck!   Sincerely,
Adventurer's Guild Head, Melodis Branch   Summary
At the request of Kotenn, the group traveled to the Bay of Trees. They discovered that the storm vanished while the eye was positioned over one of the local underwater caves. They explored the cave, found a crystal similar to those found in other spider-infested locations, and managed to steal it without sustaining injuries. Once the crystal had been retrieved, they spoke to the residents of the nearby Village-of-the-Bay and learned that a person matching Entropy's description had been in the town, but left shortly before the storm vanished. They returned to Melodis, spoke to Lukan, Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim, and handed over the crystal for research.  

Session 5: Entropy

  PC Level: 2
Location: The Gales - Thaybia
Session tags: low combat, high stakes social, puzzles
Content warnings: potential harm to innocents, possibility of bad choice/worse choice situations   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild   Good day to all those reading this missive.   Many of you have taken part in the recent expeditions against the growing arachnid infestation. It has been brought to my attention that an entity going by the name of Entropy may be involved in these events.   However much you know about this person, you should know this: she is dangerous. She is a criminal. She has no regard for compassion nor kindness.   However, she is not beyond reason. From what is known of her, this infestation is most certainly not her own scheme, but one she has agreed to help with. And while she cares for the success of schemes with which she is involved, she cares more for the entertainment they provide her.

My command to you is this: seek out Entropy. Treat with her, for information if nothing else. The latest intelligence has placed her on the northmost island of Thaybia. Be discreet about yourselves; I only command this of you because if any member of my Order were to go, I know she would not listen. Do not give her reason to harm you. Do not attack her--you will not win, and you will live only if she permits it to be so.   You will be compensated for your service with 40 gold pieces per member of your group, items you may find useful in future endeavors, and the favor of my Order.   Good fortune to all.   Sincerely,
Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emporer, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim
Hired by Lukan, Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim, the group set to figuring out how to persuade Entropy to take a step back from the arachnid infestation. They considered performance, gifts, and other such things. Eventually, upon realizing it sounded almost like they were trying to woo her, they came up with a plan: acquire candles, food, and wine, and steal two tables in order to set up a romantic dinner.   The first table was stolen from Fortuna, the capital of Brimera, by having a stealth dragon disguised as a large red dog with wings airlift it away. The second was stolen from a college town in Thaybia, where Vlad asked the host, Hunter, if there were any free tables. When Hunter pointed to the "seat yourself" sign and told Vlad to take whichever one he wanted, Vlad did indeed take the table he wanted... Right out of the restaurant. Hunter was told to stop Vlad by the manager, but was too much of a tired college student.   The tables now procured, the party set them up in the ruins of the old observatory on the island they were told to go to (though only after a lengthy discussion about wine), and lured Entropy there with a path of flowers. Through the combined efforts of dinner, a flipbook of the heists presented by Snap, and the promise to assist Entropy in her own table heist schemes, the party successfully turned her away from the arachnid infestation and toward a more benignly mischievous endeavor.   Vlad returned the table, but Hunter was still fired.  

Session 6: The Epicenter

PC Level: 3
Location: The Gales - Inoa
Session tags: moderate combat, heavy exploration
Content warnings: spiders   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild   Greetings, fellow adventurers!

Thanks to many of the recent missions of our guild, and the extensive efforts of our resident cartographers, we have finally pinpointed the location we believe the arachnid infestation to be emanating from--an epicenter of epicenters, if you will!   Unfortunately, it's a rather large area. As such, I need a group of daring adventurers to scout the area and bring back any information you can--what types of creatures reside there, a narrowed-down location of the super-epicenter, what may be causing this infestation and so forth, so that we may more adequately put together a force to deal with whatever lies there.   The location is near the northern Brimera-Inoa border. So long as you bring back useful information, you will be compensated with no less than 80 gold.   Thank you, adventurers, and good luck!   Sincerely,
Adventurer's Guild Head, Melodis Branch
At the request of Kotenn, head of the Melodis Branch of the Adventurer's Guild, the group traveled to Inoa to investigate what appeared to be the main epicenter of the arachnid infestation. Rather than investigate the specific location, they went to Nysesos, where the residents of the town nearby the epicenter had been evacuated to. They talked to a few people, eventually deducing that the town had sent several people--some, perhaps, willingly--into Mindalow Cave, in the mountains near the town as sacrifices to Lolth, in exchange for some manner of protection.   Eventually, Dan and Arakainos decided to go investigate the epicenter. They saw several spiders, as well as two drow, but they decided not to engage in combat at the time. On the way back, they ran into HuSH and Trishula, who lectured them for going off on their own, and all four returned to Nysesos.   In the morning, they were greeted by Lukan, who had set up a military encampment just outside the city in preparation for the oncoming arachnids. He informed the party about the situation, and requested their help in the coming battle.  

Session 7: Finale, Part 1: Against the Arachnids

PC Level: 3
Location: The Gales - Inoa
Session tags: heavy combat, Political Networking: Order of Brim
Content warnings: spiders, possibility of character death   Pinned to the Questboard in the Adventurer's Guild
Adventurers of Brimera,   You've surely heard by now of the arachnid infestation in this land. Many of you might even have encountered them. It seems to have reached a peak.   Tomorrow, the Order of Brim will strike against the infestation. However, our resources are limited, and the infestation has grown significantly. As such, we require the assistance of the Adventurer's Guild.   In return for your contributions to our cause, we will provide you with a sum of 150gp each, as well as arms, armor, and magical artifacts that may assist you in further endeavors.   Any interested parties should arrive in the military encampment in Nysesos by this evening.   Sincerely,
Lukan Naroiára, Sword of the Red Dawn, Arm of the Merciful Emperor, Paladin of Idon, and Dragon Knight of the Order of Brim

Hired by Lukan to assist the in the battle against the arachnids, the party made preparations to sneak past the oncoming army in order to directly confront the drow commanding them. Though there were a few close calls when they finally made it to the drow, they managed to survive. Trishula attempted to force one of the drow to surrender after the other one was killed, and might have succeeded if Dan hadn't interfered and killed the drow.   The group returned to Lukan victorious, finding on the way back that the Order of Brim had prevailed against the arachnid army.  

Session 8: Finale, Part 2: Thares Dorthorne

PC Level: 3
Location: The Gales - Inoa
Session tags: light combat, heavy exploration, puzzles, Political Networking: Order of Brim
Content warnings: spiders   See Session 7: Finale, Part 1: Against the Arachnids for the game pitch.   Summary
Hired by Lukan to seal the passage from the Underdark to the surface in Mindalow Cave, the group traveled to the mountains amidst the battle. They made their way through the tunnels, but eventually reached a dead end, with the wall engraved with the words "You First." They eventually realized that this meant that in order to reveal the secret door, one of them would have to reveal a secret of their own. Once they did, a door was revealed. Immediately on the other side of the door, the group found the Journal of Professor Perileous P. Padmore, Planar Pioneer. They read through it a bit, and between that and other outside assistance came to the realization that the Underdark was, in fact, a different plane. They continued on their way, and eventually met Aunrae, a drow from the city of Thares Dorthorne and the daughter of the two drow leading the army above.   After some conversation, Aunrae took the group to Thares Dorthorne. They looked around the cathedral there, finding a holy book of Lolth which contained a prophecy regarding the current situation. It told of a time when the dangerous creatures of the Underdark would overtake Thares Dorthorne, and that the city's residents would be wiped out if they hadn't found somewhere else to live; it told also of the surface world, and that in order to take shelter there, they would have to destroy the sun; finally, it told of a warrior, a so-called "Grandchild of Darkness," who would foil their plans if they were to fight in the war for the surface world.   The group spent some time getting to know the people of Thares Dorthorne, and eventually left the city, sealing the portal in Mindalow Cave with an arcane lock. They returned to Nysesos, where they reported their findings to Lukan. Finally, things were calm, with the Brimeran Empire safe from the arachnid threat.  

Arc Recap

Well, haven't things been eventful! In recovering Captain Ianver Poldren from a bonding trip gone wrong, the Adventurer's Guild discovered a problematic arachnid infestation. Multiple epicenters of the infestation we're discovered, all seeming to revolve around crystals that influenced the arachnids in the area. On one of the missions to recover one of these crystals, the Guild discovered that the infestation was being aided by Entropy, a renowned criminal throughout the world.   In an attempt to lessen the danger, the Adventurer's Guild was tasked with convincing Entropy to turn her attention away from the arachnids and towards something more exciting--which turned out to be the theft of a very important table!   With Entropy distracted and the arachnids coalescing into an army, the Order of Brim and the Adventurer's Guild joined forces to defeat the threat and seal off the passage to the Underdark where the arachnids originated from. And what a battle! So many of the heroes are already making a name for themselves throughout the Gales. Can't wait to see what they'll do next!

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