Ritual: Sakshi's Blessed Cloak of Deflected Attention
Sakshi's Blessed Cloak of Deflected Attention
Casting Modifier: -1 for 1 or 2 people; -2 for 3 or 4 people
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour/2 hours with raise Components: a chicken's foot and a cloak, hooded tunic, or small blanket for each person
Sakshi was said to be so stealthy because she could be invisible, but this was not the case: she could simply appear so nondescript and a natual part of the environment that no one notice her. This ritual confers a little of her power on the target(s). When this ritual is cast, the targets will appear to casual observation as completely ordinary, natural inhabitants of whatever place they happen to be in, not raising so much as an eyebrow to an onlooker. Though the target can be clearly seen, they are so unmemorable that observers will have a hard time remembering any details about them.
Those who have reason to question the target's identity make a Notice roll at -2 (-4 with a raise) to determine that these people are worthy of their attention. Note that there can be modifiers to this Notice roll if, for example, the targets are in a place where no one else is supposed to be or where entry is specifically barred. In other words, if you walk up to a besieged castle and ask the guards to let you in, this ritual will not affect their an. The actions of the target are clearly visible, too, so simply walking into a counting-house and trying to take coins will get him arrested (or the hue and cry to be raised, at the least).
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