Kexvar’iss -The cycle of life
The Symidians, Grular and Kandorans worship Kexvar'iss (“the Cycle”) – Life, Work, Family, Hunt, War, Death – each of which is represented by a Face. The Faces are six aspects derived from the old gods, but without the Gaal whose aspects include chance and deception and mystery. The Faces are the six forms man travels through in his life.
The Faces
Horse (Life)
Swan (Family)
Scarab (Work)
Falcon (Hunt)
Tiger (War)
Jackal (Death) The Grular worship the Cycle, but Narakan the Horse above others. The Kandorans worship the Cycle, but Krayech the Jackal above others.
Horse (Life)
Swan (Family)
Scarab (Work)
Falcon (Hunt)
Tiger (War)
Jackal (Death) The Grular worship the Cycle, but Narakan the Horse above others. The Kandorans worship the Cycle, but Krayech the Jackal above others.
Permeated Organizations