The Prejudicial Diplomatic Corps, Or PDC

No three letters in all of the Kuzaarl language strike as much fear into the hearts of the Kuzaarik people as does PDC. But that is why PDC continue to exist. They are a threat and a promise to those who stray from Visk Kargas' - the High Council’s, directives. They are the bump in the night that is the last thing heard by those that betray or endanger the Kuzaarik people.   The Prejudicial Diplomatic Corps has been around in one form or another for as long as the Kingdom of Kuzaarl. Their agents have been doing the will of the Kuzaarikk High King long before the Empire began to crumble and the High King proposed The Long Way as a means of preserving the Kuzaarikk until they could once again spread throughout their mountain birthright. In the days when the seven City States gave their loyalty willingly to the High King and The Kuzaarik were reaching their cultural zenith the PDC acted almost exclusively within foreign governments. There they dealt with threats to the Kuzaarik people before many even knew they existed. No mercy was shown in these affairs, and as a result the only real threat to the Kuzaarik remained the cooling geothermal vents and the worsening divides between the City States. One by one the Kuzaarikk City States fell and the High King was left with a terrible problem: how to preserve the Kuzaarik long enough that they could see their empire regained?   The only answer the King and his council could come to saddened them and tested their resolve. It would be a complete re-imagining of Kuzaarik life, and one that completely went against their nature.   In this new culture, the High King would have the terrible responsibility of enforcing this “Long Way” on the people. Knowing that most Kuzaarik would chafe against this new lifestyle, the High King and his Council turned to the only organization that existed who could at once enforce the new ways if they had to but also through their daily work “encourage” the people to obey and stay productive members of society.   And so the PDC became so much more than a group that dealt with foreign threats. Now they also dealt with internal threats and were in charge of making sure the Kuzaarik people followed the tenets of the Long Way.   Today the PDC is a group shrouded in myth and secrecy. They have a public face in their Field Agents, but they also field Operatives, who take care of dirty work that needs to be done in secret. Field Agents walk among the people, interacting with them and encouraging them in their daily work and life. Field Agents can be found strolling through the markets, deep in the mines, in the military, and often in Freebands. They keep a wary eye on the people, measure their morale and obedience, and look for signs of insurrection and rebellion. They make public arrests when they need to but try to keep from violence if they can help it. It is joked about that Field Agents are not fighters. Being rarely seen in combat should not be taken for incapable of fighting. A Field Agent prides themselves on being able to resolve matters peacefully, and considers it a failure if fighting is resorted to. Only in a Freeband does one readily see the combat skill of a Field Agent.   When violence is necessary to bring the people back into line, an operative is sent. Operatives are recruited from the military mainly. Their recruits show a zealousness to bring back the Kuzaarl Empire, and a willingness to do what it takes to make sure that happens.   Operatives leave behind everything when they enlist. They are segregated from not only the public but also their peers in the PDC. They live a solitary life because it is never known if they will have to go after one of their own.   Operatives are trained in all manner of combat methods and are encouraged to choose the one they are most proficient with and hone that skill. Each Operative then has their own style of fighting but can call upon many others if the need arises.   When operatives are seen, such as when they join a Freeband or are part of a PDC Discipline Team, they cover their faces. As an instrument of the High King and the PDC, they are taught to be both anonymous and dispassionate. To the outside world they are the nameless and faceless instruments of Kuzaarik justice.   Where the PDC is fear follows. They have wide ranging powers to operate and punish citizens as they see fit. Minor infractions bring “public service” duty while more serious infractions may find the offender forced to become an Explorer or exiled in some other fashion. Fear of their wrath and punishment keeps most in line, though the PDC would almost to a Kuzaarik agree that they wished for days when the threat of the PDC was not necessary, and the glory of the Kuzaarl Empire once again reigned in the Northern Mountains.
Military, Other
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Parent Organization
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